Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


All Blog Posts (565)

Tengu Trails 2011 in Takao

A great time was had by all at Takao this year, with Yoshi Ishikawa winning his age-group, Masako just out of the money in fourth after being passed by two other women on the downhill, and Christophe finishing in a remarkable 2h01 on the longer 18k course. Working on the video now, and more pics to be uploaded shortly!…


Added by juergen wittstock on December 18, 2011 at 4:17pm — 1 Comment

Blog from I-phone

You can post blog-entries from the I-phone by scrolling down and using the full version of this page, letters become very small, but it is possible! Give it a try!
Pictures, however, seem to be difficult, but you can upload them by email and later include them in the post!

Added by juergen wittstock on December 17, 2011 at 11:30am — No Comments


11月6日 京都の鴨川で第1回 鴨川エコマラソンが



鴨川エコマラソン チャリティーラン ビデオリンク




Added by Eco.Marron on November 10, 2011 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

Kamogawa Eco 5k /鴨川エコ5k

A lot of fun for a small race! Thanks to all the volunteers and runners for taking part in this event. It was a good practice for all of us, and we are confident to have an even bigger Kamogawa Marathon in spring!

Here are the results for the Kamogawa Eco 5k:


Nr. - time


1 - 38 - 16:45/蔭地和成

2 - 57 - 17:50/堀野正雄

3 -…


Added by juergen wittstock on November 6, 2011 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments


On November 13th 2011 I will be climbing all the way up the Eureka Tower to level 88. The purpose of this event is not only to test my fitness levels but also to raise money for the events charity partners Whitelion and Interplast Australia & New Zealand whom both work tirelessly to 'rebuild young lives'. In order to be involved in this event I need your help as I have to raise a minimum pledge to participate but more over I would like to raise money for these charities that do such…


Added by Gerard Robb on November 2, 2011 at 1:46pm — No Comments

Osaka Marathon 2011

Ran the First Annual Osaka International Marathon with fellow runners Adrian, Chika and Laszio  in 4:42:47. Not bad for my first “Full” Marathon I guess! The conditions were rather good. Cloudy with sporadic light rain and an average temperature of about 20 degrees celsius. The course was pretty flat for the most part except at the beginning and at 39K where there was…


Added by Thomas Sawada on October 31, 2011 at 7:30pm — 10 Comments

Turtle Marathon (half&10k)

Today, a bigger group of runners ran the Turtle half-marathon cum 10k at Arakawa River near Kita-Senju. This is a very big race, about 16000 runners, 12000 in the half, 4000 in the 10k.

As some of us went there by themselves, I could not get everybody's results, so forgive me if I start  with my own race, the 10k. My target was a 4min/k pace, so Takashi Nobukiyo, our…


Added by juergen wittstock on October 16, 2011 at 8:00pm — 4 Comments

Saiko Eco 2011 (October Edition)

Yesterday, we had a beautiful day at Lake Saiko, with a course record for the men in 32:45 set by Onuma-san! Invitational runner Gerard Robb placed 4th in 34:46.

In the women's division, our flying Finn Saara Pekkarinen flew away from her competitors in 37:15, of course, this is also a course record, receiving a pair of Brooks shoes, an invitation to the Tengu Trails…


Added by juergen wittstock on October 11, 2011 at 8:44pm — 1 Comment






FUN Runレースなので、競い合うだけではなく、"みんなで楽しもう"という主催者側





Added by Eco.Marron on October 11, 2011 at 9:30am — 3 Comments

彩湖エコマラソン  大会結果 (Saiko eco marathon result )

10月9日(日) 第3回 彩湖エコマラソン大会結果


ご参加のみなさん ありがとうございました !


10k 男女  1~310 男子 400~490 女子 上位のみ       5k  男女 ファンラン(計測なし)

1位 大沼 生     1位 Sarra Eveliina     男子 1位 佐藤 智大

2位 山本 幸延       2位 腰原 可与       女子 1位 柴田 千春

3位 加藤 巧也    3位 岡安 千鶴         …


Added by Eco.Marron on October 10, 2011 at 5:30am — No Comments

OCT 9, 2011 20th Nagareyama Road Race 10K

Ran the 20th Nagareyama (Chiba) 10K Road Race today in another personal best 47:20 net. A very hilly course, every point seemed like either an up or a down, and many twists and turns. So crowded that the pace was very slow at many points and couldn't pass...maybe that was for my own good! A couple of people passed out on the way , I think the hills got…


Added by Thomas Sawada on October 9, 2011 at 6:30pm — 4 Comments

Recent Trail Running Race Results

Utsukushigahara Trail Run:

We ran Utsukushigahara Trail Run 32k on August 27th.Actual distance is 36.5km by garmin.

This race has walking area, 5km distance. This regulation confused us a lot. Aid station has wide variety of foods and drinks! Especially Landscape was really nice and enjoyable. The course was challenging, especially the…


Added by Yoshitaka Ishikawa on October 8, 2011 at 2:30am — 1 Comment

Shigeho showing his stuff!

Shigeho Minematsu, well-known Kyoto-based artist and designer, and a star-organizer of the Kamogawa Eco 5k on Nov. 6., has lost a lot of weight during the preparation for the race! It is still possible to apply, come along an join Shigeho's diet plan!

On this picture, he is holding on of the…


Added by juergen wittstock on October 2, 2011 at 5:30pm — No Comments

September Training (Juergen)

Well, Christoph asked me to write a bit more about my training, so I decided to make it a blog-post. September was not a particularly interesting month - but I will try to amend my usually cryptic blog-style so everybody understands - hopefully. Would be nice if others did the same, so we could have some discussion about training here on the site.

3. 5k

4. 43k including darmstadt full - 3:51:56 - I ran this full marathon in Germany because I had made the pledge to run a 10k, a…


Added by juergen wittstock on October 2, 2011 at 5:28pm — 3 Comments

Ome Nippara Trail

Yesterday, I ran the Ome-Nippara 36.8k trail run. I finished in 7:12, not bad for an old man, but too long for team-mate Yoshi to wait for me! He had come in in fourth position in 4:48! Great effort on a course where the downhills partly had ropes because they were to step to descend without them! Well, it definitely was not my kind of course, as I prefer gentle…


Added by juergen wittstock on September 29, 2011 at 12:35pm — 5 Comments

Echigo Yuzawa Cosmos Half-Marathon (Setp. 25)

Last Sunday I went to Yuzawa for the annual "Cosmos" Half-Marathon. I took the Joetsu Shinkansen at 6:30h and arrived shortly after 8:00h in Yuzawa. Start time was 9:50h - enough time to get ready.

The weather was ok - while it was not particular cold it was much cooler than in August.

The course is nice but the first 6 km it goes uphill; then 5 km down and the last 2-3 you go up again.

I wanted to finish under 1:30h but I ended up with just under 1:32h. Still, no reason…


Added by Bernd Plagge on September 27, 2011 at 12:34am — 1 Comment

Saiko Eco time-trial/test run

Yesterday, we had a successful time-trial at Lake Saiko, with Tony finishing in 19:16, Tomohiro in 25:54, Katharina in 33:53, Yuri in about 38, and Masako coaching Sabine to a 41:30! Otsukaresama!

Added by juergen wittstock on September 26, 2011 at 10:02pm — 4 Comments

Ome Nippara Trail coming up!

Tension is building, I'm sure Yoshi is ready to roll, but yours truly still battling summer heat and hardly got over the German jet-lag.

Next Saturday, we will run 36.8k in the mountains near Okutama, from Ome to Nippara. Over all elevation is 1471m, the highest point 1651m.

If you should be somewhere out there, come along to support us, or if you have been mad enough to apply, see you at the…


Added by juergen wittstock on September 18, 2011 at 12:31pm — 3 Comments

Starting Out

In June a few moms from my sons youchien decided to join a 10k race this coming November. They asked me if I'd like to join but I said "No way! I have never run before!" Then I started going to the gym just to get into better shape. Between my son's school schedule and my teaching schedule I wasn't getting that much time at the gym. I live right across from the river so I decied to give running a try. My first couple of runs were almost enough to make me give up (too hot) but I kept going at…


Added by Laura Miyazaki on September 11, 2011 at 3:44pm — 7 Comments

Darmstadt Marathon/Germany

Yesterday, I ran the Darmstadt Marathon in Darmstadt south of Frankfurt. I came off a business trip and not much preparation, felt over-all tired, and had to settle for a sub-par 3:51:56. The course was also hillier than expected, and weather was pretty hot.

In spite of these conditions, my friends Andreas Gerrits (left) and Benedikt - Haile - Heil obviously…


Added by juergen wittstock on September 5, 2011 at 3:30pm — 5 Comments

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