Ran the First Annual Osaka International Marathon with fellow runners Adrian, Chika and Laszio in 4:42:47. Not bad for my first “Full” Marathon I guess! The conditions were rather good. Cloudy with sporadic light rain and an average temperature of about 20 degrees celsius. The course was pretty flat for the most part except at the beginning and at 39K where there was…
ContinueAdded by Thomas Sawada on October 31, 2011 at 7:30pm — 10 Comments
Today, a bigger group of runners ran the Turtle half-marathon cum 10k at Arakawa River near Kita-Senju. This is a very big race, about 16000 runners, 12000 in the half, 4000 in the 10k.
As some of us went there by themselves, I could not get everybody's results, so forgive me if I start with my own race, the 10k. My target was a 4min/k pace, so Takashi Nobukiyo, our…
ContinueAdded by juergen wittstock on October 16, 2011 at 8:00pm — 4 Comments
Yesterday, we had a beautiful day at Lake Saiko, with a course record for the men in 32:45 set by Onuma-san! Invitational runner Gerard Robb placed 4th in 34:46.
In the women's division, our flying Finn Saara Pekkarinen flew away from her competitors in 37:15, of course, this is also a course record, receiving a pair of Brooks shoes, an invitation to the Tengu Trails…
ContinueAdded by juergen wittstock on October 11, 2011 at 8:44pm — 1 Comment
FUN Runレースなので、競い合うだけではなく、"みんなで楽しもう"という主催者側
Added by Eco.Marron on October 11, 2011 at 9:30am — 3 Comments
10月9日(日) 第3回 彩湖エコマラソン大会結果
ご参加のみなさん ありがとうございました !
10k 男女 1~310 男子 400~490 女子 上位のみ 5k 男女 ファンラン(計測なし)
1位 大沼 生 1位 Sarra Eveliina 男子 1位 佐藤 智大
2位 山本 幸延 2位 腰原 可与 女子 1位 柴田 千春
3位 加藤 巧也 3位 岡安 千鶴 …
ContinueAdded by Eco.Marron on October 10, 2011 at 5:30am — No Comments
Ran the 20th Nagareyama (Chiba) 10K Road Race today in another personal best 47:20 net. A very hilly course, every point seemed like either an up or a down, and many twists and turns. So crowded that the pace was very slow at many points and couldn't pass...maybe that was for my own good! A couple of people passed out on the way , I think the hills got…
ContinueAdded by Thomas Sawada on October 9, 2011 at 6:30pm — 4 Comments
Utsukushigahara Trail Run:
We ran Utsukushigahara Trail Run 32k on August 27th.Actual distance is 36.5km by garmin.
This race has walking area, 5km distance. This regulation confused us a lot. Aid station has wide variety of foods and drinks! Especially Landscape was really nice and enjoyable. The course was challenging, especially the…
Added by Yoshitaka Ishikawa on October 8, 2011 at 2:30am — 1 Comment
Shigeho Minematsu, well-known Kyoto-based artist and designer, and a star-organizer of the Kamogawa Eco 5k on Nov. 6., has lost a lot of weight during the preparation for the race! It is still possible to apply, come along an join Shigeho's diet plan!
On this picture, he is holding on of the…
ContinueAdded by juergen wittstock on October 2, 2011 at 5:30pm — No Comments
Well, Christoph asked me to write a bit more about my training, so I decided to make it a blog-post. September was not a particularly interesting month - but I will try to amend my usually cryptic blog-style so everybody understands - hopefully. Would be nice if others did the same, so we could have some discussion about training here on the site.
3. 5k
4. 43k including darmstadt full - 3:51:56 - I ran this full marathon in Germany because I had made the pledge to run a 10k, a…
ContinueAdded by juergen wittstock on October 2, 2011 at 5:28pm — 3 Comments
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