Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


Juergen wittstock's Blog (304)

Shigeho showing his stuff!

Shigeho Minematsu, well-known Kyoto-based artist and designer, and a star-organizer of the Kamogawa Eco 5k on Nov. 6., has lost a lot of weight during the preparation for the race! It is still possible to apply, come along an join Shigeho's diet plan!

On this picture, he is holding on of the…


Added by juergen wittstock on October 2, 2011 at 5:30pm — No Comments

September Training (Juergen)

Well, Christoph asked me to write a bit more about my training, so I decided to make it a blog-post. September was not a particularly interesting month - but I will try to amend my usually cryptic blog-style so everybody understands - hopefully. Would be nice if others did the same, so we could have some discussion about training here on the site.

3. 5k

4. 43k including darmstadt full - 3:51:56 - I ran this full marathon in Germany because I had made the pledge to run a 10k, a…


Added by juergen wittstock on October 2, 2011 at 5:28pm — 3 Comments

Ome Nippara Trail

Yesterday, I ran the Ome-Nippara 36.8k trail run. I finished in 7:12, not bad for an old man, but too long for team-mate Yoshi to wait for me! He had come in in fourth position in 4:48! Great effort on a course where the downhills partly had ropes because they were to step to descend without them! Well, it definitely was not my kind of course, as I prefer gentle…


Added by juergen wittstock on September 29, 2011 at 12:35pm — 5 Comments

Saiko Eco time-trial/test run

Yesterday, we had a successful time-trial at Lake Saiko, with Tony finishing in 19:16, Tomohiro in 25:54, Katharina in 33:53, Yuri in about 38, and Masako coaching Sabine to a 41:30! Otsukaresama!

Added by juergen wittstock on September 26, 2011 at 10:02pm — 4 Comments

Ome Nippara Trail coming up!

Tension is building, I'm sure Yoshi is ready to roll, but yours truly still battling summer heat and hardly got over the German jet-lag.

Next Saturday, we will run 36.8k in the mountains near Okutama, from Ome to Nippara. Over all elevation is 1471m, the highest point 1651m.

If you should be somewhere out there, come along to support us, or if you have been mad enough to apply, see you at the…


Added by juergen wittstock on September 18, 2011 at 12:31pm — 3 Comments

Darmstadt Marathon/Germany

Yesterday, I ran the Darmstadt Marathon in Darmstadt south of Frankfurt. I came off a business trip and not much preparation, felt over-all tired, and had to settle for a sub-par 3:51:56. The course was also hillier than expected, and weather was pretty hot.

In spite of these conditions, my friends Andreas Gerrits (left) and Benedikt - Haile - Heil obviously…


Added by juergen wittstock on September 5, 2011 at 3:30pm — 5 Comments

10k in Karben/Germany

Some friends and myself ran a 10k in Karben near Frankfurt in Germany, we came away with three age-group victories. I was not too happy with my 40:26, but hope to improve next week!…


Added by juergen wittstock on August 17, 2011 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment


Time flies, yes, our beloved WIRED<>FIT is already one year old! And yes, the runners were flying, too, this time around the track on Oda Field, split in three teams, with yours truly unable to overtake any of the other runners and ending up with the bronze medal! It was fun, and more fun is ahead!…


Added by juergen wittstock on August 6, 2011 at 10:58pm — 3 Comments

Waves of Hope for Japan - the whole story!

Ho Tsai, one of our members, raised 28560 US$ for the victims of the earthquake in Tohoku! Here is how it happened!
She wrote in her status update after the race:
On April 30th, Waves of Hope for Japan run/walk raised over $27000. There were 233 adults and 54 kids attending the event.
To give you a little background, and to tell you how she found out about…

Added by juergen wittstock on June 23, 2011 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Embassy Run

Today we ran the first "Embassy Run" from WIRED<>FIT! Eiko Nishida (upper right) lead us through the back streets of Shibuya, past bakeries, cosy cafes, and, of course, embassies - in today's case, the Royal Danish Embassy and the Bulgarian Embassy! She asked questions about the country at every embassy, but they were a bit difficult for yours…


Added by juergen wittstock on June 19, 2011 at 6:30pm — 7 Comments

OXFAM Trailwalker 2011

The winning Team!

The picture shows this years winners, James, Ko-san, Yoshi and Juergen! Great teamwork, we ran almost the time we predicted, 16:44/16:30, we lost a few minutes because we got off course once, and had to return to a check-point because we forgot to "Check Out". As we are new to this race, it…


Added by juergen wittstock on May 14, 2011 at 12:00pm — 13 Comments

Waves of Hope for Japan - Congratulations!

Through the love of running, and the love that runners have to help others in need, on April 30th, Waves of Hope for Japan run/walk held at Ormond Beach, Florida raised over $27000 for earthquake victims. 233 adults and 54 kids attended the event!

Ho Tsai, the organizer, who had been in Japan when the quake struck, said she had been inspired by our charity at Saiko Eco 5k. Of course, we would have been happy if she had come, but as her absence gave her the chance to organize such a…


Added by juergen wittstock on May 3, 2011 at 9:18am — 2 Comments

On the Course of the TRAILWALKER

Yoshi, James and Juergen checked out the course of the OXFAM TRAILWALKER yesterday, with navigation prooving more of a challenge than expected. We started at Odawara, running up the course to Lake Ashi, James and Yoshi took the bus back to Hakone Yumoto, running about 35k, yours truly ran down another 19k to…


Added by juergen wittstock on May 1, 2011 at 4:00pm — 5 Comments

Saiko Eco Marathon Spring♪ THE VIDEO!

Added by juergen wittstock on April 25, 2011 at 5:19pm — 4 Comments

Mari Tanigawa meets runningintokyo!

Running great Mari Tanigawa, winner of the Paris Marathon 1994 (2:27:55) visited us at WIRED CAFE<>FIT today, Masako and myself were happy to see her again after a long time, and as beautiful as ever!

Added by juergen wittstock on April 24, 2011 at 6:03pm — No Comments

Lake Saiko 5k Spring 2011 Results/結果上位のみ

Today we had beautiful weather, but web-sources told of high radiation. Still, people had a wonderful time at our second event at Lake Saiko, the Spring 5k! Thank you very much for coming out, and many thanks to all the people who helped!

Hope to run with everybody again…


Added by juergen wittstock on April 20, 2011 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Congratulations, Ed Whitlock!

Running hero and inspiration Ed Whitlock set another world record! He became the fastest 80-year-old ever, running the Rotterdam Marathon in 3:25:40!

The picture shows Ed a few years ago with our member, fellow Canadian David Deubelbeiss, himself a former World-record holder -…


Added by juergen wittstock on April 11, 2011 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments

OXFAM Yamathon 2011

In spite of some navigation problems due to the fact that team leader James (Yorkshire Madman) Midgley forgot his maps we finished in just under 4:30h, achieving our target for the 40k around Yamanote Line in spite of running a full marathon (42:22 according to my Garmin).

Thanks to all of the people who watched us on Ustream - check out the videos (link above) if you…


Added by juergen wittstock on April 9, 2011 at 1:25pm — 5 Comments

Cherry Blossoms and Charity

A beautiful day at the Path of Philosophy, and a lot of good people who donated for the earthquake victims. A young couple of runners who I had handed my flyer came running after me to hand me a 1000Yen note, and a group of foreigners celebrating under the cherry trees donated 500Yen each.

May go for a second run later…


Added by juergen wittstock on April 4, 2011 at 3:34pm — No Comments

Ultramarathon Jeju

In yesterday's 80k trail run, until 38.4, I had a good race, was running in 3rd position, after the summit of Mt.Halla and a lot of slippery snow. I then missed the course due to a mistake by the organizer and was quite upset. Well, they declared me a finisher, because I ran 70k and crossed the summit of Mt. Halla, but I would have liked to try to challenge Yoshi for the… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on March 27, 2011 at 10:00am — 19 Comments

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