Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


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China Coast Marathon cum Half Marathon 2008 - 08/01/20

Just completed the CCM Half Marathon ( 2008 中國海岸馬拉松 ) in a slow time of 1 hr 58 mins. I still suffered from tireness produced by the 10 Km race yesterday. The worst thing was my right foot cramped during my sleeping last evening and waken me up from a sweet dream (what the…


Added by Blurmax on January 22, 2008 at 9:20pm — 4 Comments

Juergen's Shibuya

I was so busy doing other things around this Ekiden that I haven't written anything about my own race. I felt good! I hadn't practiced any speed in recent weeks, just hills and races (see my HongKong posts). So I was very happy to settle into a good rythm right away, run the first k in 3:29, and even being able to almost keep the pace. I passed one guy very soon, and then Bob shouted:"There is somebody 25 seconds ahead, catch him!" That kept me motivated, and I actually passed the runner…


Added by juergen wittstock on January 22, 2008 at 5:50pm — 2 Comments

"Only think of two things - the gun and the tape. When you hear the one, just run like hell until you break the other."

I don't have a photo of the Shibuya Ekiden but I think many, including nice videos, have been uploaded. So I want to add only my comments instead.

A big thanks goes to anyone involved in the organization of this fine day, especially to Jurgen, Mutsumi and Mika, taking care of all the entries & restaurant arrangements, making Shibuya Ekiden and enjoyable and memorable day.

As for my part, I run the first leg of the Master B Team (which, by the way, won over the "A" Team !).…


Added by Runfab on January 21, 2008 at 4:44pm — 1 Comment

Shibuya Ekiden

I am happy to won the Shibuya Ekiden Masters division. I was 2nd runner. It was the most important position for Ekiden. So, I had been bit nervous before I started. I was received the tasuki by starter Fab. He came back 1st place. But,2nd runner came just behind him. I was lucky,because 2nd placed team runner was not so fast. I could managed my own pace. I run easily and relaxed. I run 9min36sec for 2.9km. I made an advantage about 1minute and hand the…


Added by Kiyo Yoshida on January 21, 2008 at 12:01am — 3 Comments

Shibuya Ekiden 2008

Too cold to run faster....that's I thought in yesterday morning after usual weekend LSD for 20Km.

Weather forcast was " max temp. = 6C, down to 1C at night and get snow in Tokyo" !! Hyeee (x_x)

In fact, as always cheering and my "Makezugirai (=not like to be beaten) mind push me up, my time wasn't so bad, under 4'10''/Km. Even I had to run twice (for replacement in team D), I could do good run. And the most happiest moment was passing by 2 girls as last runner of team D and…


Added by Chika Kanai on January 20, 2008 at 7:14pm — 3 Comments

Shibuya Ekiden Comments

Namban Rengo had a great day with 5.75 teams on the podium. In the men's open we finished second to the Harriers (which looked like Namban Rengo's professional division, with two Namban on their team). The women placed 1&2, sorry to Masako's (also a 0.25 Namban-team) Chudai OG, especially if we should have passed them on the last leg on which Yuki doubled up. And thanks to Masako for not telling…


Added by namban on January 20, 2008 at 6:59pm — No Comments

Shibuya Ekiden Teams

Shibuya Ekiden is usually the biggest event of the year for Namban Rengo. Definitely not because it is a particularly famous race, probably because it is in our 'home park', and very easily accessible. I still need substitutes an helpers, please join!…


Added by juergen wittstock on January 18, 2008 at 10:28am — 3 Comments

5k PB in training

slight improvement to 17:32 around the Palace
Permanent Link

Added by Christian on January 16, 2008 at 12:16am — 7 Comments

Mizuno HK Half Marathon Championship Challenge 2008 - 08/01/06

Just completed the Mizuno HK Half Marathon Championship 2008 ( 美津濃香港半馬拉松錦標賽 ) in 1 hr 53 mins+ in the cool weather in the morning on 2008/1/6 (Sunday).

Due to lack of sleeping (3 hrs) I was…


Added by Blurmax on January 11, 2008 at 12:33am — No Comments

Cheung Chau Island 10k/HK

Today I ran the last of my three races in Hong Kong, 10k on Cheung Chau island this morning at 10am. I was in bed before 12, so I was relatively fit this morning, but obviously, the fatigue of two races showed. And the course was extremely hilly and probably a bit long. I placed 5th over-all and 2nd in age-group, getting another nice trophy. My time was 43:17, Gary Eng ran 54:26, the winner was not too far ahead of me, so…


Added by juergen wittstock on January 10, 2008 at 2:42pm — 1 Comment

Shek Kong 10k/30k Hong Kong

Yesterday I ran the 10k, the shorter one of the two 'undulating' courses near Shek Kong in Hong Kong, and I finished in 38:46, a very good result on a challenging course. Just my splits on the first 3k are proof for this: 3:43/3:30/4:22!

I placed 2nd in age-group and 3rd over-all, got lots of stuff and a nice trophy!

Here the longer version of my story:

Undulator 2 - Spiridon's Revenge

Like eight years ago, I'm passing…


Added by juergen wittstock on January 10, 2008 at 2:39pm — 2 Comments

Boxing Day Run, The Peak, Hongkong

On the 26., Jay and I ran the Boxing Day Run in HK. It is only 4k, mostly uphill in the beginning, followed by a steep downhill in the end. I pushed at the start, trying to follow Mark Reeves, who was actually leading our age-group. I caught up with him at the highest point, just to loose him again on the downhill, finishing second by 3 seconds. I would have easily won the 50's, by about two minutes, I think. We got all…


Added by juergen wittstock on January 10, 2008 at 2:34pm — 2 Comments

Running on TV in Japan (by Satohi)

Feature Winter and Spring races will be broadcast live exclusively on these channels.
Please note that if the schedule…

Added by namban on January 9, 2008 at 5:31pm — No Comments

Spring Races in Japan (thanks to Satohi)

Here are just a few races now open for application, not neccessary the ones I will do, but definitely good events recommended by Satohi. I will come up with info on events I will take part in later.
Juergen ( alias Namban)
Event name: The 63rd Biwako Mainichi Marathon…

Added by namban on January 8, 2008 at 1:08pm — No Comments

Cheung Chau RTI 10 K Race - 2008/1/1

Just having completed the 10 Km Run in Cheung Chau ( 第七屆長洲元旦健跑同樂及越野賽 ) in the freezing weather in the morning on 2008/1/1. I could only manage to completed the race in 56 mins because of the "frozen" muscle and tireness produced by the 10 Km race on last…


Added by Blurmax on January 2, 2008 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

Ota-Ku 10k

Today, a considerable group of Namban turned out for this conveniently located, but not too well-organised race in Ota.

There were no k-markers, so I took Gerards splits at certain points to try and time myself accordingly. The race had three loops, and after the first loop, I was just 30sec. back. After the second, it was about 1:20, but I slowed down just a bit to finish 2:25 behind, which is as close as I have ever…


Added by juergen wittstock on December 18, 2007 at 12:32pm — No Comments

Ohta-ku Road Race 10km

I run Ohta-ku Road Race 10km yesterday. My goal time was 35min19sec. It is the 2nd best for 10K. It's only 8seconds slower than my PB which I marked 4years ago. And, I won the championship in masters division. I have been very very happy! Good 2007 final race.

Added by Kiyo Yoshida on December 17, 2007 at 10:37pm — No Comments



Course: Flat, Stadium no naka kara. 3 lap circuit.

The race was very enjoyable with the clear fresh weather and some namban crew to cheer at stages throughout. Quite a strong wind on the backside of the course (headwind) which we had to contend with for approx 1.5km on each of the laps of the race.

I was able to find a good pace and was able to finish strong with a 3.19 for the last km for a time of 35.10 and 4th position.

Added by Gerard Robb on December 16, 2007 at 5:57pm — No Comments

Mitake Mountain Marathon trail run

Here are results and comments from Sunday's 15-kilometer Mitake Mountain Marathon trail run:

Mark Feeley 1:27:01 (72nd overall out of 900 registered)

I thought the course was great and I just tried to relax and enjoy the scenery. After 45 minutes I was surprised to see a sign for 5km to go. I felt too good and thought I hadn't been pushing hard enough. There was a lot of climbing in those last 5km though and I was definitely tired at the end.

When Jay and… Continue

Added by namban on December 11, 2007 at 12:43pm — No Comments

Running in Yokohama (Chika's running course)

Today is my company's birthday. It is automatically "Holiday" for me.

Then I decided to jog with my camera and take some picture of autumn colored my favourite running course ;-)

I started jogging at 7 am. Here is Shinyokohama, sun rose up reflecting buildings in Shin-Yokohama. And a building on right picture is Nissan Studium (well known place for soccer game)

This is…


Added by Chika Kanai on December 3, 2007 at 2:33pm — 3 Comments

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