Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


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Kamogawa Marathon/Kyoto

Five Nambaners were the core group of the volunteers organising the first Kamogawa Marathon (10k).

Compared to the Tengu Trails in Takao which I started four years ago, much more money went to the NPO which was supposed to benefit from the race, a great success.

Thanks a lot to Chika, Hitomi, Mutsumi and Gerard!

Some results:

Over-all-winner: 33:32

40's: 35:35

50's: 36:31

60's: 42:15

Women:… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on May 2, 2008 at 5:30pm — No Comments

第一回 鴨川マラソン in midori-no-miyako Result










・ゴールラインを踏まれていない方は、結果に含まれておりません。… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on May 2, 2008 at 2:00pm — No Comments

加茂川マラソンコース・Course Map Kamogawa 10k

View Interactive Map on

Added by juergen wittstock on April 20, 2008 at 11:00am — No Comments

Juergen's Honmonji

Not much to say but that I ran really well! 38:25 on this hilly course, and a podium finish! Congrats to Gerard and Ed! Next year, we will have podium finishers in all divisions!

Added by juergen wittstock on April 14, 2008 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Upcoming Event: 5k Time Trial April 24. - Thanks to Mika Tokairin

On April 24 (Thursday), there will be a godo (means jointly organized) time

trial at Oda field. It is organized by several running clubs such as Atomi

Club. It's a good opportunity to compete with runners from other clubs, and

you might even find your training partner!

When: Thursday evening, April 24

Where: Oda field

Distance: 5000m

There will be 3 groups according to your time and each group start

separately. Please run in the group of your… Continue

Added by namban on April 10, 2008 at 10:00am — No Comments

Ometakamizu trail-run - The whole store (Thanks to Jay Johannessen)

A dozen Nambanners participated in Sunday's Ome-Takamizu trail run. It was a gorgeous day for running on the scenic but brutally hilly course. After the run most of the group enjoyed a splendid Hanami pizza party thanks to Teruyuki. Also much thanks to Keren for organizing Namban's participation, and Asuka for her logistics support.

Below are individual times and comments. Full results can be found… Continue

Added by namban on April 10, 2008 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

Gyeongju Cherry Road Race (Korea)

This was my last race in Korea, and it was the most

confusing one! I went to Gyeongju to day before, and,

thanks to Namban's Steve Lacey, managed to hook up with

Owain Lewees, a Brit who lives in the southern part of

Korea and had just managed a sub 2:40 at the Dong-A

Marathon in Seoul. We arranged to meet at the reception.

On race day (Sat. 5.4.), I went to the shuttle bus stop

early (6:30), sure to have enough time… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on April 7, 2008 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Chonan 10k (Korea)

Today I ran another 10k race in Korea, in the city of Chonan, about hour from Seoul. The actual trip from my guest-house to the venue took about two hours, so I had to get up at 5:30, to get there for a 10am start. It was raining, moderately, but enough to get you shoes wet even before the start. I did not know the course, but I was quite confident with two sub 38 under my belt this year. However, I gave up my hope to improve on the 37:27 I had run… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on March 23, 2008 at 8:38pm — 5 Comments

Dong-A Marathon/Seoul

Yesterday I went to support Leng Leng and several members of the Seoul Flyers at the Dong-A Marathon in Seoul. I met Arnaud at the start, there were too many people, so we failed to see Leng Leng on the course. I was able to yell some support for some of the Seoul Flyers (see picture above). Mark (3rd from left was best, getting close to his PB in 2:40:20). Leng Leng PB'd in 3:24.

The race was won by Sammy Korir (Kenya) in… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on March 17, 2008 at 3:39pm — No Comments

10k Misari/Seoul

Kimchi and Tofu after the race

Today I ran the 10k in Misari in the greater Seoul area. My friend Bokjin Park picked me up from the nearest station at 8am. The picture below shows me in front of his shoe-stall. FAAB (Free As A Bird) is a shoe for ultrarunners, BJ is the chairman of one of the Korean ultramarathon associations.

As the race started at 10:10, I had enough time to warm up, so I ran about 6k, best way to stay warm in… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on March 9, 2008 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment

Ujigawa 10k/Kyoto

On Sunday I ran the 10k at Ujigawa in Kyoto. Runnet said it was quite flat, so I was surprised to see it started up on a hill and went 2k straight down to Uji City (the place of the famous Bjoudo-iin, the temple on the 10Yen coins). I gave up on trying to run a good time before the race already, as I had driven all night from Friday to Saturday morning 6am, so I felt without pressure at the start. It was cold and snowing! I went through the first 5k in 18min., due to the downhill. I was very… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on February 26, 2008 at 8:30pm — 3 Comments

Kyoto Ten KM Sunday February 23rd,

3 Nanbanrengo runners competed in Kyoto on Sunday February 23rd 2008.

The race was 10km.

Juergen, Mutsumi and Gerard (myself) were the runners.

Snow had fallen over night and was still falling at times throughout the race day.

The course was very fast out for the first 5km as most of the first 5km was down hill.

The second 5km had more uphill than down and the last 2km were quite steep.

Mutsumi was able to manage a pb which was excellent and Juergen ran very well… Continue

Added by Gerard Robb on February 26, 2008 at 6:13pm — No Comments







Added by Gerard Robb on February 25, 2008 at 5:48pm — No Comments

Volunteers needed for race in Kyoto on April 27.!

Dear all,

I am organising a charity run at Kamogawa on April 27., it is for an NPO named 'midori-no-miyako' I started a few years ago.

I'm not sure how many volunteers my friends in Kyoto can secure, especially not how many of them know much about running. So, I would be happy if somebody could help. Please spread the word to friends in Kansai, and drop by if you travel West in Golden Week!

More info will be available on runnet soon, happy to have contributed a second event to… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on February 20, 2008 at 5:52pm — 1 Comment


Yesterday was a great running experience.

The Tokyo Marathon is a great event to be part of.

I ran with a very experienced Marathon runner in Joachim. Joachim was pacing for Paddy.

Paddy,s goal was sub 3. I am not sure if he go it because at 32km I was feeling good so I pushed on a little and that was the last I saw of Paddy and Joachim, didn,t get a chance to catch them at the finish - will see them on Wednesday at training to get the full rundown I really enjoyed running… Continue

Added by Gerard Robb on February 18, 2008 at 11:14pm — 1 Comment

Tokyo Marathon 2008

I went to support the Namban Runners at Tokyo today, had a great time, eventhough it was freezing. Jay sent a report to the flashnews section which I upload here now. Will include more as soon as people post on the list.

I had a blast today running an "unofficial half" at the 2nd Tokyo Marathon. For me it was a big "moving party" on a sun-splashed morning running sequentially with Stu, Rie, Yuka, Paddy, Gerard, Joachim, Martin, Bob,… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on February 17, 2008 at 8:00pm — 2 Comments

Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2008 - 2008/2/17

Just completed my 4th SCM half marathon ( 2008 渣打馬拉松 ) in a slow time of 1 hr 57 mins+.

However since this was my first run after I suffered from my back pain on last Sunday (after MOS 8 Km race, and I still had my Salonpas stick on my back. I still felt happy with the completion time.

The arangement was OK this year, and I had not to wait long to reclaim my luggage. The traffic jam at the 1st Km was still…

Added by Blurmax on February 17, 2008 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

Tokyo Marathon

Numbers: 2:50:17 (gun time), 2:49:56 (own watch) hopefully sub-2:50

(net), PB by a few seconds (anyway)

In my second race against Viktor Rothlin, I lost once more. Apart from

him being a pretty fast runner I had to start from behind and as

expected he did not wait for me at all. Every time I try to hunt him

he does a new Swiss national record - maybe I should participate in

Beijing? In Zurich last year he was roughly 64 minutes ahead, last

Sunday in Tokyo it… Continue

Added by Christian on February 17, 2008 at 12:00am — 1 Comment

2008 Surf City Marathon, Huntington Beach, CA, USA

In USA, first week of Feb. is a big event day, SUPER BALL SUNDAY but I enjoyed helf marathon on same day in the country ;)

My first visiting to southern CA started with nice and relatively warm weather...the area has 90% guarantee of blue sky. Huntington Beach is nice and pretty city, which is a famous city among surfers. The city is very clean, safe and well-organised city for outdoor sports.

However, I had bad luck in such city...miserably windy and rainy condition…


Added by Chika Kanai on February 7, 2008 at 8:44am — 2 Comments


As Omar mentioned before, my goal was to hunt Eric Wainaina in a group

of three with Ed and Omar. Joking aside, I wanted to break 1:20 and to

run a good preparation race for Tokyo but without going all out in

order to recover within reasonable time. During a rather fast start

the first few kilometer's felt quite nice and I just got tired after

13k or so, perfect for a fight to the finish line. At this time Ed, a

quite young-looking over-40 runner ;-), picked up the… Continue

Added by Christian on January 28, 2008 at 2:48pm — No Comments

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