Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


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Added by Gerard Robb on August 15, 2008 at 8:54pm — No Comments

Japan South Alps

This is not a race report but a trail run report.

The course was very nice (but hard actually) so that I would like to share it with you. This will be your future travel option for coming to Japan.

First of all, people think Alps Mt. is in Switzerland. In fact, we, Japan also has North and South Alps in center of the main island, which locates in between Yamanashi & Nagano prefecture (and share with small part of Shizuoka prefecture)

I and Shoji-san (from Namban Rengo)… Continue

Added by Chika Kanai on August 14, 2008 at 2:17pm — 5 Comments

10k in Hungen/15k in Nidda (Germany)

Last Sunday I ran 10k in a small town near my hometown and easily won my age-group (by more than 3min). So, I completed the feat of winning all 10k's in my first year in Germany. Yesterday I ran a 15k, on an easier course, and it was a bit cooler, and placed third in 58:55. Was fastest in my club, followed by a friend who ran a 59:19 PB, too bad we didn't have a third guy for a team, we could have placed top… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on August 10, 2008 at 8:36pm — 1 Comment

小布施ハ-フマラソンObuse Half 2008年七月20日


ところで、私のレ-スタイムは一時間二十一分三十五秒、二十七位。走る大好きです。まみとギャリ-作った計画(けいかく)はよかったです。皆からありがとうございます。慈利。The Obuse Half Marathon was a very enjoyable experience。

At the event it was hot but Nambanners all gave great efforts。There was plenty sweat。Everyone, well done!… Continue

Added by Gerard Robb on August 2, 2008 at 8:09pm — 1 Comment

10k in Hausen/Germany

It was a hot day in Hesse State, with up to 32 degrees, and thunderstorms. As most of my friends know, I hate getting up early and run badly if races start to early, but in this heat, an 8:50am start is unavoidable.

I ran a steady sub4min pace, following a guy I thought to be in my age-group. I passed him when we entered the stadium, ran a 3:43 last k. Turned out he was 60! Well, by passing him I ended up the fastest guy over 45 in a race more… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on July 27, 2008 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments

10k in Oberursel/Germany

As many of you know, this was my first race in a new age-group. I had talked to my stongest opponent before the race, his name is Michael, we warmed up together, then went to the start. I followed the leaders, he stayed back, following my usual strategy. The first two k's were downhill, but with a few sharp turns, then a long climb started. Michael and one more guy passed me, and I thought I was never going to catch up with them. Shoot, stupid me had… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on July 21, 2008 at 1:00am — 3 Comments

スマイルマラソン十キロレ-スレポ-ト Smile Marathon 10km Race Report 2008年5月25 日

2008年5月25 日私とエド,立川でスマイルマラソンでた。コ-スは公園にあった。だいたいフラットでも時々坂があった。湿度が高かった,空は雲かった。最初五 キロエドといっしよに走った,五キロから人が広げた。




2008年5月25 日

Myself and Ed, in Tachigawa, raced in the Smile Marathon。

The course was in a park。Mainly flat,there were slopes on occasions。Humidity was high and sky cloudy。The first five km Ed and I ran together, after five km the field spread。

We both… Continue

Added by Gerard Robb on July 10, 2008 at 1:44pm — No Comments

青梅の山練習 Ome mountain practice 2008年7月6日

昨日(2008年七月六)南蛮連合人達は青梅へ行きました。Yesterday namban people went to Ome。

その日本当の日本夏でした。On this day it was the real Japan summer。


At Ome there are many trees so it was cooler than Tokyo。


Everyone ran well。Ome's scenery is pretty, trails interesting and there is plenty of nature around。練習終わったら健康センターへ行った、本当に気持かったです。After practice we went to a health center, it was very relaxing。そしておいしい日本理科食べた。We

also at… Continue

Added by Gerard Robb on July 10, 2008 at 1:39pm — No Comments

Muskoka Long Course Triathlon, June 2008

Neither a marathon, nor an event that took place in Japan, but oh well...

The Muskoka Triathlon is actually quite an historical event, having debuted in 1992 as the site of the Long Course World Championships won by triathlete legend Simon Lessing. The event was put on back then by Graham Fraser,organizer of all the major Ironman races in North America, and continues to be run now by his brother Mitch. The course is a 2km swim in a lake and up a river, followed by 55km of (seemingly)… Continue

Added by Chad Clark on June 30, 2008 at 3:18am — 1 Comment

Gasubashi 8k

Today, Admiral Paddy in his black suit opened the ports of glory in a way reminiscent of the glory days of the Tokyo Irish Harriers, days that are not mine to remember, as they were before my time with the club, but have been well preserved in the myth of Namban history. Paddy placed 5th in the 30's in 29:50, unexpectedly joined by Frank Mehl, who had kept his participation a secret, but finished in a respectable 32:55 for 14th.

Yours truly… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on June 15, 2008 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Shiki long Run !!

I enjoyed running with Nambernners in Shiki , Saitama on June 8th.The organizer was Juergen who

guided us through nice trees course and arond a lake ,Saiko course.One loop of Saiko is about 5km

.It has some up and down,greenery and nice view of the lake.Toality I ran about 18km.

After that we went to Onsen whichi was a real hot spring.I could rid of the stress of the trainning and

my daily life.Also it was fun to have lunch and chat with member.I'd like to join Shiki long… Continue

Added by Eco.Marron on June 9, 2008 at 8:18pm — 1 Comment

Shiki Long Run

Thanks to everybody who came to Shiki for the inaugural Shiki Long Run, looking forward to next time!

Next Sunday we will run an LSD-run from my home, followed by a dip into the nearby Hot Spring which has discount day (also for beer)! Pace and distance will accomodate all levels. See my runs on map-my-run for details!

From station to my home:…


Added by juergen wittstock on June 2, 2008 at 9:30am — No Comments

Kamakura Trails

Today a considerable group of Nambanners ran the trails around Kamakura. As usual, it started at leisurely pace with a lot of sightseeing, but in the end a group of runners including Kiyo, Paddy, Jay, Joachim and myself picked up the pace.

The main organiser this time was Satohi, assisted by Kamakura veteran Jay and local Joachim, and they managed to find an onsen as well as a restaurant with a nice sea-view. Great job!

Only disadvantage, it… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on June 1, 2008 at 7:00pm — No Comments


3 weeks ago, I decided that I was going to run my own personal half-marathon. Whoops.

It seems that something on the top of my foot went "pop" while I was at the 12KM mark (just crossing the bridge at Futako-Tamagawa). I somehow made it home to Ikegami but at a severely hampered pace (6:00/KM). I took a week off and things felt good. I went running again and-"ta-dah"-the pain is back. It doesn't hurt if I run with my shoe on loosely but the minute I really strap the right shoe… Continue

Added by Pat Glynn on May 25, 2008 at 7:00pm — 2 Comments

Oxfam Japan Trailwalker 100Km

The gun went off at 09:00 on 16May but we knew this would have been a long journey before reaching the finish line and an unusual race. In fact it does not really fit the terms of "race" as there is no individual time because each Team of 4 participants has to register together at each of the 8 checkpoints.

It took our Team 23 hours and 25 minutes to complete the 100Km with the satisfaction to finish within 24 hours and placing 8th over about 220 Teams.

The Trailwalker… Continue

Added by Runfab on May 21, 2008 at 9:30am — No Comments

Kintaro Marathon/Kanagawa (10/15k)

In this charming little countryside event not far from Shin-Matsuda Station, they give certificates or trophies to the first eight of each age-group which was a big advantage for the Namban Ladies. 18 runners in the women's 20's versus 170 in the men's 40's in the 15k. But I had been in bed until the day before the race, trying to get over a bad cold, so my 1:00:03 finish was more than I hoped for.

Rie won the women's 10k (over-all!!) in 42:10,… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on May 19, 2008 at 9:30am — 5 Comments

Mississauga 5km race, May 10, 2008

I arrived back in Canada late Thursday, and I thought what better way to shock my body than to run a 5km race. Most major cities in Canada have some sort of "marathon weekend", and this weekend was the Mississauga Marathon. 5km and 10km races were held Saturday evening, and 1/2 marathon and marathon events went off on Sunday morning. Total participation for this race weekend was ~10,000. (The 5km race had 1005 participants).

The 5km course was totally flat. The first 2km was road… Continue

Added by Chad Clark on May 18, 2008 at 12:30am — No Comments

Malcolm Phillis 5 Km Memorial Run 2008 - 2008/5/10

Just completed the 5 Km race in 27 mins+ in the warm and humid afternoon today.

I felt happy to see so many's members such as Snail, LAM Wah, Connie and others. I was very happy to see my ex-coach CHUNG YH before and after the race.

Another nice race organized by…

Added by Blurmax on May 14, 2008 at 12:08am — 2 Comments

Saku 10k (Nagano)

While most Namban stayed in Tokyo to run Inagi or Tell, we risked a longer trip to Nagano to run the 10k in Saku. A nice place, friendly people, but the heat and probably the altitude (700m) slowed me down to a 40:33 for 10k.

I have to complain about one thing: An Ojisan was conducting a call just before the start, he realised that he was not going to get through his numbers - the 40's were higher numbers, so I was still waiting - so he ran to the starting line to tell another Ojisan to… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on May 7, 2008 at 4:04pm — No Comments

Oxfam Trailwalker Japan 100K. We need your donation!

My Company has entered 5 Teams into the 100K Oxfam Trailwalker Japan and I am in one of the Teams.

100K it is not an easy distance and not a distance that normally we would challenge.

Having done part of the Trailwalker course as training we already know that this 100K will not be easy. On top of the distance there are the terrain and the elevation that will make the challenge difficult.

Nevertheless our Team knows there is a just cause to go for it. The physical effort is… Continue

Added by Runfab on May 2, 2008 at 7:00pm — No Comments

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