Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


3 weeks ago, I decided that I was going to run my own personal half-marathon. Whoops.

It seems that something on the top of my foot went "pop" while I was at the 12KM mark (just crossing the bridge at Futako-Tamagawa). I somehow made it home to Ikegami but at a severely hampered pace (6:00/KM). I took a week off and things felt good. I went running again and-"ta-dah"-the pain is back. It doesn't hurt if I run with my shoe on loosely but the minute I really strap the right shoe on...Anyhow, I've been able to do 3, 40 minute sessions on flat terrain per week but I'm afraid that this is going to get worse...

new shoes?

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Comment by Jessica Bathurst on June 10, 2008 at 4:41am
Hi Pat! By any chance, you wouldn't have once worked for AFM?

If so, please email me at ragingjess at gmail dot com. I think I interviewed you for a textbook and want to make sure you get a complimentary copy.

Comment by juergen wittstock on May 26, 2008 at 5:32pm
Hey Pat,
well, I rarely run with the same shoes on two consecutive days. And in your case, yes, go to Art Sports o B&D and ask for a pair that suits you and doesn't hurt. Wishing you well for your recovery!

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