Today, Admiral Paddy in his black suit opened the ports of glory in a way reminiscent of the glory days of the Tokyo Irish Harriers, days that are not mine to remember, as they were before my time with the club, but have been well preserved in the myth of Namban history. Paddy placed 5th in the 30's in 29:50, unexpectedly joined by Frank Mehl, who had kept his participation a secret, but finished in a respectable 32:55 for 14th.
Yours truly considered the event a training run, but still managed to beat Frank by a minute for a 31:45 14th place finish in the 40's. Not bad considering I have run 217k's up till now this month!!
However, the highlight of the day was not the race, it was Eiko's (Paddy's wife) carpaccio. Most delicious and protein-packed, I wish there were races at Gasubashi every month! Of course, Paddy and I agreed not to disclose the recipy or any pictures on either of the websites, as the notoriously unpopular Gasubashi event would probably be exposed to a popularity beyond the abilities of the organisers if we did.
Thank you very much for your hospitality!
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