Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


All Blog Posts (564)

First Race on the American Continent!

Placed 5th over-all in a small race near San Francisco today. Still felt a bit stiff and jet-lagged, also slipped and fell once, so I was happy with a 24:28 for the 4 miles. Was recruited for a local running club right away, running definitely connects people!

Added by juergen wittstock on February 22, 2010 at 3:04pm — 10 Comments

Thank you Namban.

Well my last night with Ze Juergan Meister.Back to Korea tomorrow.
So thank you very much for welcoming me to your wonderful club and I look forward to many more races with you guys.

Added by Owain Vaughan Lewes on February 8, 2010 at 11:42pm — 1 Comment

Kanagawa Half Marathon (The supporting 10K).

My first race with Namban, and a thoroughly enjoyable experience it was too. I only ran the 10k however I was very happy with my performance because I took 3rd in my age group (40-49) ,. and my time 35:30, despite the windy conditions, showed that I`m on course in my training for a marathon in April.
Nevertheless I had a wonderful day, and I would like to thank everyone for welcoming me and hopefully yesterday was the first of many such events .…

Added by Owain Vaughan Lewes on February 8, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Guts against Gusts - Kanagawa Halfmarathon 2010

Guts against Gusts…

Added by juergen wittstock on February 8, 2010 at 11:00am — 3 Comments

Fun Run in Melbourne

Tamami san ran and won the women's division ( no age groups) of a 6 Km fun run in the Melbourne suburb of Coburg this morning.
She ran a PB for the hilly course of 28.14 and came from behind in the last Km to win by 20 seconds.

Added by Jon Holmes on January 17, 2010 at 6:45pm — 4 Comments

Nanken Ekiden/Asaka

Yesterday, six of us ran this small, but extremely competitive event. I ran fourth, so I watched the first-leg-runners, and, whouw, these guys were smokin'! It seems that this race features high-school/university runners from schools who don't make it to the very big events - but they are still really fast. Takashi, not one of our slowest runners, placed 17th out of 31! The top group ran about 3min/k for the 6.75k first leg. Well, James, Jeff (running… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on January 11, 2010 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Shek Pic 10k Roadrace/Lantau/Hongkong

Yesterday, Gary Eng and myself ran a 10k on Lantau Island, and for me it turned out to be the first race I really appreciated the 'help' of my Garmin. I had run a decent 8k in Melbourne (31:35) at the absolutely accurate course around the Tan (Botanical Gardens), but I felt I could still go faster if the race was later in the day. The race yesterday started at 11am and there is a 3h time-difference between Melbourne and Hongkong, so that meant that,… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on January 4, 2010 at 9:37am — 2 Comments


Being that I was unable to enter the Tamagawa/Kawasaki half in November, I thought it might be a good idea to run even a 10k before the year's end. Good weather and a flat course made the Ota-Ku Road Race a very comfortable one. I was able to drop my PB over 3 minutes down to 41:32 (although I suspect the course might not have been exact). With no markers, I had to rely on lap splits (3x around the perimeter of the park) and actually had some more left in the tank at the end. Either way, I'll… Continue

Added by Pat Glynn on December 23, 2009 at 12:56pm — 1 Comment

Fukuoka International Marathon

My first Fukuoka International Marathon was stopped at 40km point.

I was eliminated by timeover. Official staff stopped me at 40km line, when I had just reached at 40km line. The time limit of 40km was 2:37:30. My watch displayed 2:37:33. I was so chgrined at elimination. It's only a few seconds. If I could pass at 40km, I must cut the finish line. I couln't sleep after the race day night.

Now, I think my performanchi was not enough to finish Fukuoka. I need to increase my… Continue

Added by Kiyo Yoshida on December 14, 2009 at 3:14pm — 2 Comments

HKDRC Half Marathon 2009 - 2009/11/8

Having completed the HKDRC Half Marathon 2009 ( 第32屆 香港 半馬拉松 ) in a slow time of 1 hr 56 mins+ in the slightly warm morning today.

Despite it's a slow time but it's already 7 mins+ faster than my time in the same race last year.

Enjoyed the run but hate the long upslope from Luk…


Added by Blurmax on November 9, 2009 at 9:10pm — No Comments

Shonan International Marathon and 10k

I ran the Shonan 10K today. It was great race! The weather was perfect, the course is nice (and it is sponsored by Nike - an added bonus!) It is in Oiso and the course goes along the water. There is of course the marathon for those who like to suffer for a really long time. :) I finished in 41:16, not as fast as I was hoping but I will take it. I am a little unclear on my place, I was 6th or 7th, not quite sure. BUT - I do know that I was the fastest 40+er and one of about 2 gaijin - my husband… Continue

Added by Lynne O'Donnell on November 8, 2009 at 5:13pm — No Comments

Nerima Hikarigaoka Road-race

I ran the 10k today, finished in 38:41, much better than last week, a good result considering the fact that I usually get up just 30min before this race started - so I was basically sleepwalking! I think I missed the podium by one position! Namban's Omar Minami was running among the top 10 of the half-marathon when I had to leave, looked like he was in for a good result.

BTW, this race dropped off the radar a few years ago, maybe because the… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on November 8, 2009 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

Namban 10k at Arakawa

I really enjoyed today's 10k though the time (39:16) was not up to my expectations, but well, it was a bit hot. Great concerted organizing effort by the Namban bunch! Special thanks to Phil Ryan!

Congrats to all the winners!

Official results will follow at: Namban Rengo

A lot of the winners are members of this network, congratulate them:


10K Mens:

1st - Mike… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on November 1, 2009 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Pictures of Mui Tsz Lam 8.8 K Race 2009 - 09/10/25

Thanks Thomas of Sport Soho for the amazing pictures taken for the captioned race :…


Added by Blurmax on October 31, 2009 at 12:00am — No Comments

FTU 10 K 2009 - 09/10/26

I completed the 10 K race at the dam of Plover Cove Reservoir in a moderate time of 49 mins.

Thanks SportSoho for the nice picture taken:

Added by Blurmax on October 27, 2009 at 12:00pm — No Comments

2009 Chicago Marathon

I run Chicago Marathon on last Sunday. Finish time was 2:56. It was good sunny day. But, it was bit a cold for Marathon.

So, Summy couldn't break world record. But,he established new course record.

He got a big money. $75000 of 1st prize and $100000 of extra bonus for course record. His time was just 1 second fater than previous one. Just 1 second! He got $10000.

I think the organization was good. The Course was flat and… Continue

Added by Kiyo Yoshida on October 15, 2009 at 7:26pm — 3 Comments

Shiki 10k time-trial

Yesterday was a good day for a run at Lake Saiko. We had some great results. Takashi: 35:38 (in spite of having to tie his shoe laces twice!!)

Matthias: 36:12 (after 25k in the morning)

James: 38:30

Juergen: 38:55

Yoshida-san: 41:12 (training run)

Masako: 42:05

Akiko: 53:55

After the run, we went to the Onsen as usual, everything was ver smooth this time. Next event of this type will be on Jan. 10. (see events… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on September 28, 2009 at 4:58pm — 2 Comments

Chung Hing Cup 10 K 2009 - 09/8/19

Completed the Chung Hing Cup 10 K 2009 ( 中興盃 荃灣10K - 超級夏日挑戰賽 2009 ) in the extremely hot and humid morning today in 52 mins+.
There was some chaotic scenes in the collection of bib number clothes and chips. However the organizer was still doing a good job especially in the fast release of…

Added by Blurmax on August 19, 2009 at 11:52pm — 1 Comment

10k in Eichen/Germany

Ran my fifth 10k this year, won for the fourth time. It was great to meet my friends one last time, eventough one of them got cheated out of a medal because of a mistake by the organizer. And great BBQ after the event!

Added by juergen wittstock on August 16, 2009 at 10:25pm — No Comments

10k in Karben/Germany

Ran the fourth 10k this year, managed to win my age-group again, even though this one is near Frankfurt and quite competitive. Placed 11th over-all among about 240 runners in 39:41.

Pic shows my clubmates Helmut (70, second in M70) and Elvira (62).…


Added by juergen wittstock on August 9, 2009 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

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