Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


Guts against Gusts - Kanagawa Halfmarathon 2010

Guts against Gusts
Under crystal-clear skies, a considerable number of Namban Rengo members braved gusty winds to join about 12000 other runners in the annual Kanagawa Halfmarathon in Isogo near Yokohama. Outstanding performers were Korea-based Owain Lewes, who came away with a trophy placing third in his age-group in 35:30 (for 10k), and triathlon-hardened Jay Johanessen, who barely missed the podium, finishing the halfmarathon in a 1:18:40.

Nanban Rengo race-reports: Juergen, 1:23:27 Pretty happy with my performance given the circumstances, wind from 17-20 was really terrible. Garmin put the course at 21.38km, so, I was probably very close to my goal of 1:22. Unbelievably great job by Jay, congrats! Naoko, 2:12:??
I really enjoyed first 10k. Felt like my legs were just moving with their own will. But right after 10k, suddenly got pain on my left knee, had to stop for a while. I could have give up but decided to keep running slowly. Thinking of that, my time wasnt really bad. And made up my mind to avenge my time.

Jon 1hr 37m 20s
I was drunk..By the end i felt like death. Now I am enjoying beer and Chinese food.

Ma 1;58

I had a very good day for the race it was my test run after my injured I think I can start to train again. Look froward for the fun run in the future.

Jsy 1:18:43
This was my best half marathon in 4 years and I was very pleased with my effort. My recent increase in mileage seemed to provide additional strength over the last 5k. My pacing was ok -- first 5k in 18:35, 10k split 36:55, and I felt like I was moving really fast as I overtook other runners.

Mary 1:41
Was very happy with my time. I was trying to run at about marathon pace and to pick it up at the end. Thankfully i had the company of Meg for the whole race and we were able to run at the pace we set out to do. Feeling very ready for Tokyo in three weeks. Thanks to Chiba-san for arranging the delicious Chinese food and to Geraldine for giving me the train times.

Michael 1:22
What a great race! Quite a few Namban members raced today and enjoyed the sunshine at Kanagawa Half. It was nice to have company of the members and the support all the way through the race. After the race we went for the nice Chinese food.
Today I managed to run my PB. I am quite suprised about the time. At the 10 k mark Jay caught up and took off straight again. Funny, I did not feel I was running as fast because all the runners around seemed to overtake me all the way. The legs felt good and the heard rate was constant and fine.

Chris 1:26

OK, so my first race with the Nambans went off without a hitch. One of the most memorable moments for me was running through the sewage treatment plant. Over one shoulder was the grand Pacific, over the other were the sewage tanks, I could not help but wonder how they kept the two apart The group welcomed me right away within minutes of sitting down with our first kampai. Chiba-san did a great job of picking the resturant and getting us there. Oh yeah, the wind kinda sucked. The group made the day for me.

It was so fantastic experience my first Half Marathon:!
I keep going to train for Tokyo Marthon**

I was pleased to run 1hf 25min today, right in line with my goal. I had run a full marathon the week before and was till feling som fatigue from that, so was quite satisfied with my time. Let's hope I can keep up that pace for Tokyo later this month. Josh

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Comment by Jon Holmes on February 8, 2010 at 4:18pm
Great results. Certainly a race to be put on next years list...well done.
Comment by juergen wittstock on February 8, 2010 at 4:00pm
I was quite happy, and I'm confident I can still do better!
Comment by Frank-Arnaud MEHL on February 8, 2010 at 11:39am
Frank-A : 1h26m40s
Yes, after the 17th K, the wind was terrible for me too... I caught cold.

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