Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


Juergen wittstock's Blog (304)

The Run4Tohoku Challenge - my best one up till now!

Today, I ran 6.3k in under 52 minutes, collecting 6059Yen in the process. This amounts to roughly 1000Yen per kilometer at an 8min pace! Who can beat me?

GPS here

As a hint, if you want to improve on this, try to run at at high pace - sweat makes you more credible - approach the potential donors at preferably 4min./k or faster, come to a sudden stop, hand over your flyer, and tell your story!



Added by juergen wittstock on March 23, 2011 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Eric Wainaina meets Run4Tohoku

A story longer than my usual ones...

On Saturday, w ran along Philosophers Path collecting money for earthquake victims. We met Paul from the UK, who told us that he was going to run a half-marathon on Sunday. So we decided to go there to continue our fund-raising efforts.

After collecting a considerable amount, Christiane made friends with some of the…


Added by juergen wittstock on March 21, 2011 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

Co-ordinated Charity Runs!

Dear all,

charity runs are taking place in Kyoto and HK, organised by members of this website, and in Tokyo, organised by our friends. First one will be on Saturday afternoon, see events section!

Please join, or create your own event, wherever you are!

For Tokyo: Congratulations to raising 520000 Yen on March 19., keep up the good work!

For HK, contact: Kevin

For Kyoto, contact: …


Added by juergen wittstock on March 20, 2011 at 7:43am — 6 Comments

Successful Charity Run in Kyoto!

Members collected more than 15000 Yen running in Kyoto today, yours truly ran the longest distance, 25k. We also distributed a lot of leaflets with our bank connection and received pledges, so more should come in from Monday. Charity runs in Kyoto will take place on a daily base from now, on Tuesday we will be interviewed by Kyoto Shinbun (it would be nice to have a few…


Added by juergen wittstock on March 19, 2011 at 8:35pm — No Comments

Charity Run for Earthquake Victims - Kyoto

Place: Hitomachikouryukan, 5-jo/Kawaramachi

Time: Saturday, 2pm (possibly also on Sunday)

We will run at Kamo River, distribute leaflets and collect money for the

earthquake victims. Donations will go to the Kyoto Disaster Volunteer

Center.  (Kyoto prefecture)…


Added by juergen wittstock on March 18, 2011 at 3:53pm — No Comments

Matching Colors

The biodegradable Brooks Green Silence, the first environmentally-friendly running shoe, and my 30-year-old opinion-button in matching colors on a green background!

A new edition of the button with Japanese added will be available through Kyoto Volunteer Kyoukai against donation, 100% of the proceeds will go to earthquake victims. Contact me for…


Added by juergen wittstock on March 18, 2011 at 12:35pm — No Comments

On the Road

On the road to Western Japan, not on my Leopard, changed to a sturdier bike with  a shopping basket and only three gears because I carry more than 20kg of luggage.

The winds are coming from the West, and they are extremely strong, so, it's hard to pedal, but we can feel safe about the radiation - I have never been so happy about cycling against the wind.

On the…


Added by juergen wittstock on March 16, 2011 at 2:54pm — 2 Comments

Earthquake Charity Run cancelled - Latest News

Masako-san (Eco.Marron) still plans to run in Yoyogi and collect money for the earthquake victims, I will rally my friends in Kyoto and do the same.

Please contact Masako for the Tokyo run!


I will move to my second house in Ogawamachi tonight, as my car is there and it's fairly easy to get across the Chichibu mountains to relative safety.

If anybody from…


Added by juergen wittstock on March 15, 2011 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

German Embassy recommends Germans with children to leave Tokyo/Yokohama area

The German Embassy recommends all Germans, especially those with small kids, to leave the Tokyo/Yokohama area:

Die Botschaft empfiehlt, die japanischen Medien aufmerksam zu verfolgen. Sie empfiehlt ferner allen Deutschen im Krisengebiet und im Großraum Tokyo/Yokohama zu prüfen, ob ihre Anwesenheit in Japan derzeit erforderlich ist, und, wenn dies nicht der Fall sein sollte, ihre Ausreise aus dem Land in Erwägung zu ziehen. Dies gilt insbesondere für Familien mit kleinen…


Added by juergen wittstock on March 13, 2011 at 11:02am — 7 Comments

Medals by the Artist Tetsuya Kato

 Tetsuya Kato, runner and artist, provided these great medals for the winners of the Saiko Eco 5k!…


Added by juergen wittstock on March 8, 2011 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

Biwako Marathon 2011

African Runners dominated this year's race at Lake Biwa. 28-year-old Kenyan Wilson Kipsang, owner of the eighth-fastest marathon time in history, finished in a course record of 2:06:13, ahead of Ethiopian Deriba Merga in 2:09:13 and Japanese Horibata of Asahi Kasei (2:09:25). Hiroyuki Horibata qualified for the Japanese National Team for the next World Championships, omedetto! Next up was Japanese Kentaro Nakamoto, who missed it by one second in 2:09:31!

Did any of our members…


Added by juergen wittstock on March 6, 2011 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Organizer's Run in Ogawamachi

The organizers of the Lake Saiko 5k running in the hills near Ogawamachi.…


Added by juergen wittstock on March 5, 2011 at 4:34pm — 5 Comments

Running for Charity in Tokyo's Parks

The Cherry Blossom Season is approaching! Again, people will be celebrating on blue sheets under pink blossoms, and they will be in a merry mood. This is the time to ask them to donate some of their change for the poor. As you know, this site fields two teams in the OXFAM Trailwalker. One of our members had the great…


Added by juergen wittstock on March 4, 2011 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Tokyo Marathon 2011

Among members of this site, Chikara Omine was the star in 2:33:37, Kevin Tither ran 3:05 and Adrian Ringin 5:26, all were happy with their performances.

And our member Joseph Tame is all over the internet with his I-PHONE-run, hope he wil let us know in person how he did! 

Ethiopia’s Hailu Mekonnen won in a personal best of 2:07:35, followed by Kenya’s Paul Biwott in 2:08:17 and Japan’s Yuki Kawaguchi in 2:08:37. 

Well, great job, Hailu, but we still hope to see Haile…


Added by juergen wittstock on February 28, 2011 at 9:00pm — 11 Comments

Tame goes wild - in Tokyo Marathon!

See also the video section of this site!
Our member Joseph Tame running the Tokyo Marathon with an amazing equipment!
Cheer for him, he can't be overlooked!
More on Joseph Tame's website!
Contact him on this site at: …

Added by juergen wittstock on February 12, 2011 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

Osaka Ladies Marathon 2011

Yesterday, I spent a few exciting hours in freezing cold Osaka, cheering for the participants of the Osaka Ladies Marathon. I was at the 17k/28k mark, near Osaka castle, so I could see everybody twice. As I wanted to cheer for the slower runners as well, I did not go to Nagai Stadium to see the finish of the winners.…


Added by juergen wittstock on January 31, 2011 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

Shibuya Ekiden 2011

Today's Shibuya Ekiden saw many podium-finishes, but no first place by the Namban teams. Our ladies were beaten on the last leg by a former pro, giving the win to the Chudai Ladies (BTW, that's our Ecomarron's team!), so, sad for Namban, but congrats to the winners!

In the veterans, well, age counts, and our teams average age - 48, was a bit high to go for first place,…


Added by juergen wittstock on January 16, 2011 at 9:11pm — 5 Comments

Mizuno Half - Part 2

Chan Ka Ho of the Hong Kong National team beat member Thomas Kiprotich to finish in 1:10:11! Thomas was four seconds behind, a great performance given the windy conditions and hilly course. Hope he can work on his kick, so he wins the next time out!

This race concluded our…


Added by juergen wittstock on January 11, 2011 at 12:11pm — 3 Comments

Great results for our members on Cheung Chau

Today's hilly 10k on Cheung Chau island saw a Kenian sweep in both age-groups. runningintokyo's Francis Kemei easily won the senior division, but could not keep up with Thomas, a 24-year-old Kenian resident of Hong Kong who happens to be from Francis' hometown of Eldoret!

I was happy…


Added by juergen wittstock on January 1, 2011 at 6:30pm — 4 Comments

runningintokyo's Kenian wins in Hong Kong!

Francis Kimeli Kemei, our guest from Kenia, won today's Boxing Day Run in Hong Kong, Juergen Wittstock placed 12th over-all and second in the Master's division.

Francis, who is 53 years old and the gardener of Moi University in Eldoret, had arrived in HK on Friday, and,…


Added by juergen wittstock on December 26, 2010 at 10:00pm — 10 Comments

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