Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


A story longer than my usual ones...

On Saturday, w ran along Philosophers Path collecting money for earthquake victims. We met Paul from the UK, who told us that he was going to run a half-marathon on Sunday. So we decided to go there to continue our fund-raising efforts.

After collecting a considerable amount, Christiane made friends with some of the organizers, and was invited to participate in the 5k with our flyer calling for donations instead of a number.

Well, I first got upset at myself for not asking if I could run the 5k as well, but then saw there was still the half. And yes, they let me run, but I had to start from the very back. I ran like crazy (not recommended while tapering for an ultra, the 80k on Jeju next Sunday), passed a few hundred runners and finished within the top 20, so, I think the spectators got my message - time was 1:27, ran in my Brooks Green Silence and long pants, had no race gear on me, not even a t-shirt to change to!

Another handicap was that at the start, I realized that Eric was there. So, whenever we crossed over at the several turning points, I yelled:"Talk to me at the finish"! (in English and Japanese).

Well, Eric and myself share the love for our adopted home-country and the urge to help the victims in Tohoku, so, watch this site for what we will come up with!

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Comment by juergen wittstock on March 21, 2011 at 1:27pm
Minato-Ku, Tokyo!
Comment by Owain Vaughan Lewes on March 21, 2011 at 1:24pm
Eric Wainana! Twice an Olympic marathon medalist. Where does he live nowadays?  

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