Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


Owain Vaughan Lewes's Blog – August 2010 Archive (2)

Vladimir Kuts. Zatopek's successor

1950-1954 was without doubt Emil Zatopek's era. He was the male star of the 1952 Olympics, winning 3 gold medals. However by the middle of that decade he was no longer the dominant force and was unable to repeat his astounding feats at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics. His best result of those games was a sixth place finish in the marathon; which was won by his old friend Alain Mimoun of France.

His heir as the the distance king of the 1956 games was a Soviet army officer called Vladimir…


Added by Owain Vaughan Lewes on August 15, 2010 at 7:04pm — 3 Comments

Events in Korea

If anyone is interested in taking part in any event in Korea, then let me recommend the site

On it are heaps of events of all different distances througout the country.

Most of the events are listed in Korean; as is the website. However some do have English options. Nevertheless knowledge of hangeul would certainly be an asset..

Otherwise contact me with a prefered date ( most events need to be entered about a month in advance) and what distance you want…


Added by Owain Vaughan Lewes on August 8, 2010 at 7:25pm — 1 Comment

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