Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


On Sunday I competed in the 10k supporting race for the Seoul Joongang marathon. Conditions were cool and overcast; ideal conditions to race a 10k.

I had a good start and managed 3:26 ks for the first 3k. Unfortunately I had a few problems with my left ankle and at around 4k I felt a slight ping in the achilles. Although I wasn't really troubled, instinctively I eased off slightly and finished a lonely 4th in 36:02. Slightly slower than my last 10k but under the circumstances I don't think it was too bad. Nevertheless I was dissapointed because I was certainly up for it, but instead the race turned out to be a missed opportunity to produce something special.

After my cooldown I stayed behind to watch the finish of the marathon. And what a race! The first 4 guys-3 Kenyans and a Morrocan- all running low 2:08. The finish resembled a track race. The first Korean ran 2:10:53. The Koreans seem to be developing a fine mens marathon squad for next year's World Champs.

Anyway further to my problem, yesterday my ankle was pretty swollen. The cause of it was my choice of shoes (Asics Sortie Japans) However scans didn't reveal anything serious and it's 75% better today. So hopefully I'll be ready for the Changwon 10k in 2 weeks.

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Comment by Owain Vaughan Lewes on November 11, 2010 at 7:56pm
Thanks Ernesto. and I'm pleased to say that the mobility is returning.
Comment by Ernesto on November 10, 2010 at 5:15am
A nice race. Congratulations ! Good luck for the next.
Comment by juergen wittstock on November 9, 2010 at 8:59pm
Well done, in spite of the injury. Maybe the Sortie are a bit slight for you, though, after reading Born to Run, you may as well try to run barefoot...

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