Week: Monday, October 25 - Sunday, October 31
Monday AM Very easy 45 minutes. Afterwards did a 25 minute strength circuit focusing on core work.
Tuesday AM Strength Workout: 1 mile in 5:38-60 seconds recovery-1 mile of 30 second efforts with 30 seconds float recovery in 5:31-60 seconds recovery-1mile in 5:33-60 seconds recovery-1 mile of 30 second efforts with 30 seconds float recoveries in 5:30. A little slower than when I ran more or less the same session that I did 2 weeks ago, however it was a little chilly so it took me a some time to get going.
PM Easy 50 minutes
Wednesday AM 1 hour 40 minutes at a good solid pace on an undulating course with a 1.5 k hill at around 8 miles (12k) Felt really strong. Afterwards I did some abdominal work and core exercises.
Thursday AM: 60 minute progression run on a 3 lap course ( about 2 miles per loop) whereby I increased the pace on each circuit until I was running near enough to tempo pace on the last lap. Finished with strides. And then did my daily abdominal core workout afterwards.
Friday AM Steady 45 minutes
PM Tempo workout; 1 kilometre at 5k pace- 20minute tempo-1 kilometre of 30 second efforts with 30 second floats. And no rest between each segment, in other words this type of workout would simulate the demands of a 10k race- a fast opening kilometre before settling down to 10k pace and then a fast finish.
So my first kilometre was 3:15 then ran the following 20 minutes at 33-34 minute 10k pace( went through the first mile in 5:18 and 6k in 21:08). Unfortunately things got very windy after 5k which kind of put an end to my intended fast finish. But nevertheless this workout was a great confidence boost for my 10 k race next week.
Saturday: Easy 36 minutes. Tripped over but luckily no injuries. Still you can never be careful enough.
PM: Strength workout for back, pelvic and abdominal areas.
Sunday AM: 2 hours 30. Covered about 20 miles (32k)
Afterwards did my usual core and abdominal exercises. Which I shall cover in more detail when I have a free moment
Overall Mileage For Week: 80 (135 kilometres)
That was my 12th week that I've run without taking a day off. Each of the last 8 weeks have been at least 70 miles (120 k) . I'm down to 64 kilos and my resting heart rate is in the low 40s ( has been even as low as 39). And I'm feeling strong. And I feel very confident of running really well next week.There are no secrets to improving-just good old fashioned hard work.
担当: ユルゲン
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