Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


Juergen wittstock's Blog (303)

10k in Eichen/Germany

Ran my fifth 10k this year, won for the fourth time. It was great to meet my friends one last time, eventough one of them got cheated out of a medal because of a mistake by the organizer. And great BBQ after the event!

Added by juergen wittstock on August 16, 2009 at 10:25pm — No Comments

10k in Karben/Germany

Ran the fourth 10k this year, managed to win my age-group again, even though this one is near Frankfurt and quite competitive. Placed 11th over-all among about 240 runners in 39:41.

Pic shows my clubmates Helmut (70, second in M70) and Elvira (62).…


Added by juergen wittstock on August 9, 2009 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

10k in Hungen/Langd - Germany

Another age group-victory, extremely small race, but always fun to win! Was fastest over 40 in 40;27 on a hilly course.

Added by juergen wittstock on August 2, 2009 at 8:42pm — 2 Comments

10k in Obertshausen/Germany

Today I ran another 10k, this time south of Frankfurt, and considerably bigger than the one last week. I placed 15th out of 338 in a time of 38:41, third in age-group. Seems I'm getting faster!…


Added by juergen wittstock on July 26, 2009 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

Suedbahn Lauf 10k - Birstein, Germany

Today I ran this hilly, but very pleasant 10k in the rural hinterland of Frankfurt. It was a rainy day, and I was lucky not to get too wet on my motorbike on the way to the race. Start was about 40h after my plane touched down at Frankfurt airport, considered a reasonable amount of time for recovery from jet-lag among heavily-travelled Nambaners. Brought my (Asics) Sortie Magic - they looked so cool compared to what the competitors were wearing - and… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on July 20, 2009 at 1:30am — 4 Comments

Saiko 10k time-trial

Nine runners participated in yesterdays inaugural Saiko 10k. Dark clouds were looming, but we braved the weather and actually managed to have fun. Stayed dry during the time-trial, but got our first shower even before we reached the hotsprings!


!. Takashi - 36:07

2. Juergen - 39:14

3. Masako - 43:30

4. Kaori - 47:01

5. Eriko - 47:37

6. Wendy - 49:01

7. Akiko - 56:02

dnf: Matthias,… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on June 1, 2009 at 1:45pm — 2 Comments

Fuji Susono Half - Juergen

I ran a pretty good race, eventhough the time doesn't show it. Placed top-ten, target achieved. Just suffered a bit from the hills and heat, but that had to be expected.

Very positive to note my fast recovery, feel good today, only normal fatigue, no injuries. Also, got over the hard practice without catching a cold, many thanks to Fabrizio for the Echinacea!

The week-end trip was great, it seems everybody had a lot of fun. Pic is in front… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on May 11, 2009 at 1:00pm — 3 Comments

Tell 10k/5k Imperial Palace - Tokyo

Great weather and great prices made sure the turn-out for this race was as expected by the organizers. It's for a good cause, the Tokyo English Lifeline (TELL), and one participant actually managed 130000Yen in donations! Traditionally, many Namban members place in this race, and the Ladies' 10k was won by Yuri Kambara in 38:54. Jason Lawrence prevailed in the Men's 5k in a course record of 15;27.

The winner… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on May 2, 2009 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

Ikegami Honmonji 10k

A good time was had, while slow times were run... Nanban Rengo broke with tradition by taking this race very easy, I saw two trophies which probably belonged to Gerard and Ed, but over-all, we ran much slower than in previous years, and all had good reasons for it, like Tokyo Marathon and Ome-Takamizu.

Times are just the way I remember them, correct me if I'm too far off:

Gerard - 36:55 Ed - 37:15 - Juergen 39:55 - Frank - 40:10 -… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on April 13, 2009 at 1:11pm — 1 Comment

Ome Takamizu Trail Run (15k, 30k)

Everybody had a great time at this well-organised event. In the 15k, James Midgley beat Teriyuki Minegishi by one second (1:17:10/1:17:11) with yours truly following close behind in 1:18:18. I was not aware that is was running second in age-group, I would have tried harder. James and Terry finished top five as well. Rie Onodera placed fourth among (all) women, congrats, see picture above!

Jay Johanessen finished the longer run (30 or more) in… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on April 5, 2009 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Cherry Run in Shiki

Shiki and Tokyo members enjoyed the Sakura and Onsen in Shiki!

Added by juergen wittstock on March 29, 2009 at 9:30pm — 3 Comments

Tokyo Marathon 2009

Stuart MacIntosh looking smooth, with Gordon following!

Today, I went to support our runners at the Tokyo International Marathon. I decided not to travel around on the train because I thought it would be too exhausting. I was lucky to be able to watch all Namban Rengo runners at my choosen place near Ginza Station before the rain started, but it must have been quite an ordeal for exhausted runners to run the last 8k in rain and wind!

For… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on March 22, 2009 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Tamako Ekiden

Namban Rengo had a successful Tamako Ekiden, with the Ladies placing 2nd and the Vets 3rd! Official results will follow. Thanks to Satohi for organizing!

Added by juergen wittstock on March 21, 2009 at 2:09pm — 7 Comments

Namhae 10k/Korea - March 8.

오늘은 친구와 한국의 남부의 마라톤 대회에 참가했습니다.감기에 걸렸으므로, 39:55으로 만족했습니다.정말 즐거운 하루였습니다!OWAIN라고 하는 친구는 37:00으로, 매우 좋은 결과다 했습니다. Today I took part in a 10k race in Namhae in Southern Korea. It was a very enjoyable event, eventhough, a bit confusing as usual. As I had just recovered from a cold, I was happy to just break 40min (39:55).My friend Owain placed 9th in 37:00!

Makoli… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on March 14, 2009 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments

5.2k/Yongsan Base, Seoul, Korea

Today I ran 5.2k on Yongsan Base, it was a beautiful day, and three high-schoolers made the pace for me. I came in first over 20 in this extremely low-key event, good practice for next week in Busan! TIme was 19:36 consistant with what I have run on the track recently.

Added by juergen wittstock on February 28, 2009 at 3:21pm — 4 Comments

Kanagawa Half/Juergen

1:25;32, not bad considering my focus on speed more than on mileage, but could have done better. Slowed down on the second half after a decent 39:01 10k. Well, it seems in order to do well in half-marathons, you have to run a few of them, one per year is just not enough. Susono should provide good training, so I hope for an improvement in fall!

Added by juergen wittstock on February 2, 2009 at 1:45pm — 10 Comments

Osaka Ladies' Marathon

Yoko Shibui won today's Osaka Ladies' Marathon in 2:23:42 ahead of Yukiko Akaba and two Namban Ladies (in a distance). Veteran Lydia Simon finished in a respectable 5th position in 2:27:14.

Rie Onodera unfortunately could not finish the race.

Namban's Mika Tokairin finished in 3:11, a gutsy performance!…


Added by juergen wittstock on January 22, 2009 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Namban in New York!

Katarina Janosikova, who practiced with us when she was in Tokyo, ran 2:42:57 for 18th women in the NYC Marathon! Great result for her first try on the distance, we are waiting for more to come! Detailed story here!

Matthias Brenzinger and Subash Shankar also participated. Thanks to Matthias for delivering the… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on January 22, 2009 at 10:00am — 2 Comments

Shibuya Ekiden 2009

Namban Rengo won two divisions and placed in another one for one of the most successful Shibuya Ekiden in hte clubs history. Detailed results will follow.

Mika Tokairin, today's flying organizer!

The ladies receiving their first prize!

The masters celebrating their win.

Yours truly ran third, and was very happy to close the gap on Takeshi's third leg… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on January 18, 2009 at 5:00pm — 9 Comments

Tanigawa Mari Halfmarathon

Thanks to Gerard for the post in Japanese! Well, it was windy and the course was a bit difficult, so, let's hope for a bit faster times at the Kanagawa race in February! After supporting the runners I got on my "Volcano" shopping bike to ride back, fortunately, I had pumped up the tyres yesterday! Soon after getting to the river, I was passed by four Pinarello riders in identical dress. They quickly moved

away, but I suddenly decided to follow. I… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on January 13, 2009 at 11:30am — 5 Comments

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