Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


Owain Vaughan Lewes's Comments

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At 11:32am on January 18, 2011, kevin tither said…
Thanks for the welcome! run well!
At 5:38pm on January 16, 2011, Eco.Marron said…
Hi ! Owain
Could you tell me about your plan in Japan?

At 11:47am on January 10, 2011, Ian Callan said…
Nice to meet you, Owain!
At 10:46am on December 31, 2010, juergen wittstock said…
Yeah, hope we all will place well! Francis has a chance to win!
At 11:26pm on December 30, 2010, juergen wittstock said…
I'll have to work hard next Saturday to earn that comment!
At 12:17pm on December 30, 2010, juergen wittstock said…
Small, fast Muzungu!
At 1:42pm on December 29, 2010, juergen wittstock said…
He's coaching, I see! BTW, it is Muzungu! Asked our room-mate! Hehe!
At 11:50am on December 29, 2010, juergen wittstock said…
No worries, late Jan./early Feb. I should have a lot of time as the university will be finished! Looking forward!
At 10:28am on December 29, 2010, juergen wittstock said…
Yes, Chris was here until a while ago, and we once stood on the same podium, he first and I fifth, three Chinese between us, we shook hands, and, of course, he said:"Well done mate!"
At 5:08pm on December 28, 2010, juergen wittstock said…
Well, unfortunately, Chris Wardlaw has left the territory!
At 4:52pm on December 12, 2010, sila kipruto sematei said…

first of all i must say alot thank to you for accepting me to join this club, and expecting alot from my performance and entire club. i think about our club will be know in international level, again i would like to asked about how will get  visa, is responsibility(work) of the club to assist me get it or what? i hope to hear from you soon thank your faithfully athlete

sila kipruto sematei.


At 9:10pm on November 27, 2010, Molly Peterson said…
Thanks for the welcome message. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions as I get into the swing of running here, in Tokyo.
At 11:08pm on November 11, 2010, alice said…
thanks for the welcome! :)
At 10:17pm on November 9, 2010, Rod said…
Hi, Owain!

Thanks for the warm welcome! Can't wait to start looking around and reading all the useful info! I'm glad I joined!

At 9:13pm on November 9, 2010, berehanu amare kassa said…
owain thank you for the mesage do know g/e g/m is my baste frand in ethiopiya he was good person for me so i,m happy
At 1:14am on November 8, 2010, berehanu amare kassa said…
thank you the answer my job ia atlate and atlatemangare i work withe you
At 7:28pm on November 7, 2010, Philip Lutton said…
Many thanks. I am hoping I can continue the discipline of running regularly. My business schedule can be a challenge.
At 9:07am on October 22, 2010, Linus Yng said…
Thanks, It look like very useful site.
At 11:01pm on September 10, 2010, LJ Collazo said…
Thanks! I'll post more about me in my profile. But will def want to run with your group!
At 5:47pm on September 9, 2010, Yokota Masahiko said…
Thank you for massage for me.You also send massage to Junichi.
We're friend in University.
I'm in India now. And I search for start signal for Mr.Wittstock's Eco marathon.
I will get good horn for it.

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