Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


Today was the 2010 Tokyo Marathon. Although the weather conditions were far from ideal (7c and rain/snow), this year's running was not all that bad. It was a big year for Japanese runners: 7 of the top ten men and 5 of the top women were from Japan. Here is a list of the top 10 men and women:


1. Masakazu Fujiwara, Japan, two hours 12 minutes 19 seconds

2. Arata Fujiwara, Japan, 2:12:34

3. Atsushi Sato, Japan, 2:12:35

4. Yuki Kawauchi, Japan, 2:12:36

5. Tomoya Adachi, Japan, 2:12:46

6. Joseph Muwaniki, Kenya, 2:12:53

7. Rachid Kisri, Morocco, 2:12:59

8. Takaki Koda, Japan, 2:13:04

9. Salim Kipsang, Kenya, 2:13:16

10. Kiyokatsu Hasegawa, Japan, 2:15:15

1. Alevutina Bikutimirova Russia 02:34:39
2. Robe Guta Ethiopia 02:36:29
3. Nuta Olaru Romania 02:34:39
4. Maki Kouno AC · KITA 02:39:01
5. Jin Yang China 02:41:04
6. Yumi Sato Shiseido 02:43:01
7. Wakana Hanado Southern Kyushu Kogyo Livestock 02:44:03
8. Julia Mumbi Universal Entertainment 02:45:11
9. Yoshimi Kasezawa AC Sports Park 02:47:03
10. Noriko Hirao AC First Dream 02:47:32

Personally, I had a better day than anticipated. Given the conditions, I was prepared for my pace goal to plummet. However, I did better than last year and finally broke 3:30 for a 3:28:57. Needless to say, I am satisfied with the result. I hope the other folks who use this site (Namban-ers, et al.) have a chance to post their experience. Congrats to all!

Next up, Ikegami Marathon!

-Pat Glynn

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Comment by juergen wittstock on March 1, 2010 at 11:38am
Good job to Frank as well! PB! And I heard Tamami ran 3:48, well done!
Comment by Frank-Arnaud MEHL on March 1, 2010 at 8:46am
Yes, thanks for the report.
It was my third one full marathon.The conditions were awful (as usual) but I broke the 3h30 too : 3h29:49. I'm happy with this new PB !
Today,my legs really hurt and I cannot walk any more...
See you next year !
Comment by juergen wittstock on March 1, 2010 at 12:27am
Thanks a lot for the wonderful post, and well done in the race!

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