Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


31st Annual Sakura Asahi Full Marathon (sorry for taking over this site!)

Ran the 31st Annual Sakura Full Marathon in a PB of 4:30 (:29 net?).  It was my second FULL. The other was the Osaka last year (4:42). I had a sciatic injury and was planning to cancel but I miraculously felt better since a few days before the event.

My Chiro gave me the go ahead but to just run maybe half then retire. I planned on running 30k slowly then retiring since the 30K point was relatively near the finish area and I could retrieve my gear. However, after 30k the marathon gods descended and seduced me into an extra 12.195k of agony......

I hadn't trained properly for 2 months because of the injury so I was surprised to get a PB let alone finish, So, for that I am satisfied!

The course was farmy, hilly, marshy, scenic and the weather was sunny to cloudy to cold to wet to sunny again...much like the mood swings of my ex..

The first HALF I ran in 2:02, probably a little too slow but I was afraid of the injury and my inexperience made me fearful of over-pacing. In retrospect I should have run the half in 1:50 as Juergen said since I'd start cramping at 33K either way...

My pace dropped off drastically at 25k from about 5:45/km to 6:30/km at 30K....and a desperate 7:00/km for last km.

I walked less this time, only to walk off imminent cramps (less than before), even in the latter stages so that was an improvement. The pain in my thighs seemed more bearable this time. The salt candy I was eating, proper hydration and taking mg/calcium regularly has helped maybe.

All in all it was a great course, and am really glad I ran it albeit painfully!

PS: How long should a long run be, how often, when should I do them and at what pace? Can I run a HALF 2 weeks before as a long run? Any tips on recovery....aaaarrrgggghhhhh? Thighs are burning!! LOL

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Comment by Thomas Sawada on March 27, 2012 at 9:21pm
Thanks so much!
Comment by Jon Holmes on March 27, 2012 at 12:41pm

Well the easy answer is 7 laps of the palace.

But also you can run along the tama river bank.

There are many folk in this group who can direct you.

Good luck

Comment by Thomas Sawada on March 27, 2012 at 11:19am

Next question is....where does one run 35k in Tokyo?

Comment by juergen wittstock on March 27, 2012 at 11:05am

Yes, theory says that you run the full in half x 2 + 7-10min, but few people achieve this (more on the highest levels, interestingly), maybe, bcs you get less chances at running full marathons than halfs...

Comment by Thomas Sawada on March 27, 2012 at 10:02am

Thanks. I will probably pass on Hitachi and save it for Saiko but I will gauge my recovery. The thighs are still burning but getting slightly better. Getting a massage today. A pang on the right/bottom side of the right foot comes and goes...might get some acupuncture there. Will try some aqua-walking and light swimming today or tomorrow....!

My theme will be working on marathon stamina by doing more long runs, while maintaining a 1:46 average in the half so will aim for a 4hr marathon !

Comment by Jon Holmes on March 27, 2012 at 7:02am

Different people recover differently. BUT if Juergen suggests a bit more rest I think you should follow that advice. I did not know Juergen knew the meaning of the word "rest" :-)

And yes a 1-45 indicates a sub 4,

Tamami runs 1-44 half and 3-48 Marathon.

Comment by Thomas Sawada on March 27, 2012 at 1:09am
Comment by Thomas Sawada on March 27, 2012 at 12:46am

Thanks guys! I will guage my recovery over the next 2 weeks and decide about Hitachi. If I feel good I might do a 10K jog. If not I will save it for Saiko on 4/22

Comment by juergen wittstock on March 26, 2012 at 11:55pm
with a 1:45, you are theoretically in for 3:40. reason people don't realize their potential is usually lack of mileage. and the 10k, well, a bit more rest would be better, even though you are younger...
typed on my i-phone
Comment by Thomas Sawada on March 26, 2012 at 10:20pm
Thanks for all your priceless advice. It makes me wanna another marathon as soon as I can! So, if my half-m time is about 1:45ish,I can run the first half of a marathon in just under 2:00? I need to do a lot long runs as suggested to improve my stamina for the full which is totally lacking now. Then ideally I can keep even pace right?
Also, I don't plan on doing any running this week but I do plan on going to the pool is that ok? I have the Hitachi 10k on 4/8 should I cancel and aim for the Saiko 10k?

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