Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


Kiki Tanaka's Blog (4)

Tokyo Marathon 10K race report

I ran 10K at Tokyo Marathon. This is my 3rd Tokyo Marathon and 2nd time for 10k race.

Every year, what section you start is one of the biggest issues, especially, for 10K runners, it can be crucial because they run with full marathon people.

My section was D which was not too bad, but still, it took me 3 minutes to get to the start point.

Tokyo Marathon 10K vcan be a PB course because there is no uphill. But to make it, you better start at Section A.

After start,… Continue

Added by Kiki Tanaka on March 23, 2009 at 6:00pm — 4 Comments

Ome Marathon

It was very sunny day at Ome today.

10k Race was started at 10:00am, but the temperature was already 14? or 16 degree celsius.

My start position was about middle of the long line which is made by about 5000 people. After I heard Gun shot, it took me 1 to 2 mins to get to the start line. Even after I passed the startline, there are still lots of people jogging, it was really slow slow jogging. I tried to go forward, but it was not easy.

I passed so many people, guys mostly,… Continue

Added by Kiki Tanaka on February 15, 2009 at 10:49pm — 7 Comments

Shinrin Koen Kanso Marathon

I ran 10K race, Shinrin Koen Manso Marathon, at Saitama yesterday.

As saying my result first, I set another PB! :)

Weather was crowdy and but not too cold, so I would say it was a good condition for runners. The course was very hilly, almost no flat part, keep up and down.

Personally, I like hilly course. I prefer variation on the course, so I enjoyed this one.

But keep up and down tires your legs quickly. I learned my upper body strength is quite important,… Continue

Added by Kiki Tanaka on February 12, 2009 at 2:54pm — 4 Comments

Shinjuku Half Marathon 2009

Today, I ran 10K at Shinjuku half marathon. It started 12:20 and weather was perfect. Sunny and warm, no wind.

We ran 4 laps around Kokuritsu Kyogijou. It was very crowdy at the beginning, but overall, nice course.

My time was 48min.28sec. which is PB. (47th among all women, 24th among ippan josshi.)

I am pretty happy about it since I could break 49mins wall since after Edogawa marathon last Nov...

Next race will be 10K at Saitama on 11th of Feb., and big one,… Continue

Added by Kiki Tanaka on January 25, 2009 at 11:00pm — 10 Comments

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