Hello Namban runners - hope you are all enjoying the haru in Japan.
Good luck to all those participating in the many great running events available at this time in Japan.
I am finishing my Japanese Degree at Monash University in Melbourne Australia at the moment.
Part of the current module involves a research project on a current theme in Japan.
I thought it a great opportunity to research the "Marathon Boom"
If as many Namban members as possible could reply with their thoughts and opinions to my research survey questions - I would be very appreciative.
English or Japanese reply is ok -
Please send reply answers to: gerardrobb@hotmail.com
see following questions:
Thank you very much
ジェラルド ロブ
Gerard Robb
1. いつマラソンブームが始まったと思いますか。
When do you believe the “Marathon Boom” commenced in Japan?
2. 東京以外(全国)でもランニングはブームだと思いますか。
Outside of greater Tokyo is there a “Marathon Boom”? (Nation Wide)
3. どうしてブームになったのでしょうか。
Why do you think the “Boom” began?
4. あなたは1週間に何回走りますか。
How many times per week do you run?
5. あなたは1週間に何キロ走りますか。
How many kilometres per week do you run?
6. 1年間で大会には何回くらい参加しますか。
How many organised races do you compete in per year?
7. 一番好きな大会は何ですか。
What is your favourite “Taikai” (event) to participate in?
8. その大会がどうして好きですか。
What is the reason this is your favourite event to participate in?
9. 一番好きなランニングの距離はどのくらいですか。
What is your favourite distance to run?
Why is this your favourite distance?
How many times per week do you train with a friend and how many times alone?
What is your favourite running apparel brand?
What is your preferred running shoe brand?
How many pairs of running shoes do you have?
What is your favourite training location in Japan?
For example: Emperors Palace, Tamagawa, Kandagawa, Sengawa, Yoyogi, Athletic Track etc.
Why do you like this training location?
When did you begin a consistent running routine in your life?
In the future what running event/events would you like to participate in?
担当: ユルゲン
If you do not speak English or Japanese, please use:
Français, Español, Deutsch, 한글
We will get back to you!
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