KEN ORCHARD HANDICAP, 10km - 14 May 2011 Handicap Results
Position Name Club Time Handicap Adjust Time
1 Holmes, Jon OS 51:15.43 4.10 47:05.43
2 Bowman, Sarah OX 52:18.21 7.50 44:28.21 Female
3 Holmes, Julia OS 52:28.30 0.00 52:28.30 Female
Carroll, Paul IN 53:04.46 10.00 43:04.46 Female
4 McLean, Sam OS 54:02.21 19.30 34:32.21
5* Petersen, Aaron OH 54:08.71 6.40 47:28.71
6 Couper, Chris OH 54:09.18 6.20 47:49.18
7 Cornwell, Chloe SK 54:14.58 8.10 46:04.58 Female
8 McEniry, James OH 54:20.02 14.50 39:30.02
9 Tremayne, Travis OH 54:26.58 17.30 36:56.58
10 Metherall, David OH 54:34.65 6.30 48:04.65
11 Coster, Jeffrey OW 54:39.24 4.10 50:29.24
12 Dodgshun, Peter OS 54:42.90 7.40 47:02.90
13 Shearman, Peter SK 54:43.27 18.40 36:03.27
14 Anderson, Mark OX 54:56.40 9.00 45:56.40
15 Stone, Prue OX 54:58.14 13.30 41:28.14 Female
16 Macdonald, Julianne OH 55:02.34 5.50 49:12.34 Female
17 Oehr, Lucy OS 55:04.02 9.20 45:44.02 Female
18 Scott, Andrew OH 55:04.43 20.10 34:54.43
19 Keeffe, Aaron OG 55:10.93 13.40 41:30.93
20 Jacobson, Stuart OH 55:13.27 15.40 39:33.27
21 Norwood, Andrew OC 55:16.81 11.10 44:06.81
22 Taylor, Michael OS 55:17.81 19.20 35:57.81
23 Graham, Mitchell OH 55:18.71 16.10 39:08.71
24 Carswell, Angela OX 55:22.34 14.00 41:22.34 Female
25 Robb, Gerard OS 55:23.27 20.50 34:33.27
26* Leslie, Sarah OG 55:24.99 7.00 48:24.99 Female
27 Lee, Douglas OH 55:28.62 13.40 41:48.62
28 Carswell, James OX 55:33.43 9.20 46:13.43
29 Carmona, Gabriel IB 55:37.24 5.00 50:37.24
30 Gladwell, Paul OW 55:44.99 18.00 37:44.99
31 Graham, Campbell OH 55:45.93 16.40 39:05.93
32 Freeman, Dennis OW 55:50.93 8.40 47:10.93
33 O'Neill, Nick SK 55:53.78 14.10 41:43.78
34 Barton, Paul OB 55:56.24 0.00 55:56.24
35* McLean, Matthew OS 55:57.58 15.40 40:17.58
Bott, Greg IN 55:58.93 5.00 50:58.93
36 Worsnop, Chris OX 55:59.58 10.20 45:39.58
37 Bowden, Kuniko OW 56:02.11 10.30 45:32.11 Female
38* Pettigrew, Stuart SK 56:04.37 1.00 55:04.37
39 Pang, Peter OC 56:06.49 13.40 42:26.49
40 Beath, Andrew OC 56:07.81 18.10 37:57.81
41 Schwerkolt, Robert OS 56:08.84 20.30 35:38.84
42 Reid, Kylie OB 56:10.78 6.40 49:30.78 Female
43 Griffin, Steven OC 56:12.34 20.20 35:52.34
44 Koike, Tamami OS 56:19.65 7.10 49:09.65 Female
45 Wilson, Justin OH 56:26.49 18.40 37:46.49
46 Antonelli, Jason OX 56:28.49 22.40 33:48.49
47* Kamiya, Mutsumi OS 56:29.21 10.50 45:39.21 Female
48 Schofield, Greg OW 56:31.43 12.10 44:21.43
49 Voukelatos, Gerry OS 56:32.52 0.00 56:32.52
50 Hodder, Matthew OX 56:36.24 19.50 36:46.24
51 Ettershank, Kate OC 56:42.11 6.50 49:52.11 Female
52 O'Brien, Simon OC 56:48.93 19.00 37:48.93
53 Hendy, Melissa OB 56:51.93 8.00 48:51.93 Female
54 Poulton, Matthew OC 56:58.78 13.50 43:08.78
55 Somerville, Michael OX 57:07.93 9.30 47:37.93
56 Kopke, Gabrielle SK 57:17.43 10.40 46:37.43 Female
57* White, Andrew OX 57:21.43 12.10 45:11.43
58 Entwisle, Kari OC 57:27.30 5.00 52:27.30 Female
59 Oehr, Tarquin OS 57:30.55 13.00 44:30.55
60* Prestney, Andrew OX 57:31.62 15.50 41:41.62
61* Reid, Kyle OB 57:42.93 7.20 50:22.93
62 Rickards, Field OW 58:33.62 6.40 51:53.62
63 Couper, Craig OH 58:35.49 13.30 45:05.49
64 Macdonald, Chris OH 58:36.05 19.20 39:16.05
Nagle, Andrew IW 58:41.65 19.10 39:31.65
65 Watson, Nigel OS 59:05.90 7.00 52:05.90
66 Wilson, Paul OS 59:19.14 22.10 37:09.14
67 Nickels, David OH 59:31.24 8.00 51:31.24
68 Aitken, Andrew OS 59:36.11 9.20 50:16.11
69 Millard, Robyn OH 59:43.49 16.10 43:33.49 Female
70 Morse, Karen OC 59:45.40 3.10 56:35.40 Female
71 Simpson-Bull, Trevor OB 60:16.99 0.00 60:16.99
72 Metherall, Tori OH 60:23.84 5.50 54:33.84 Female
73 Findlay, Colin OS 60:27.08 5.10 55:17.08
74 Wilson, Rob OS 60:44.11 3.50 56:54.11
75* Roberts, Caroline OB 61:44.68 7.50 53:54.68 Female
76 Prestney, Belinda OX 62:40.84 14.00 48:40.84 Female
77 Facey, Stuart OS 63:37.46 10.20 53:17.46
78 Correll, Tony OH 64:49.93 7.00 57:49.93
79 Battrick, Pete OB 65:10.27 0.00 65:10.27
80 O'Callaghan, Eamon OX 65:43.93 5.00 60:43.93
81 Meredith, Paul OB 105:00.01 0.00 105:00.01
Basso, Tracy IN 105:00.02 0.00 105:00.02
* Ineligible (5 race minimum)
Scratch Results
Position Name Club Time Age Grp
1 Antonelli, Jason OX 33:48.49
2 McLean,Sam OS 34:32.21
3 Robb, Gerard OS 34:33.27
4 Scott, Andrew OH 34:54.43
5 Schwerkolt, Robert OS 35:38.84 1st M40
6 Griffin, Steven OC 35:52.34
7 Taylor, Michael OS 35:57.81
8 Shearman, Peter SK 36:03.27
9 Hodder, Matthew OX 36:46.24
10 Tremayne, Travis OH 36:56.58
11 Wilson, Paul OS 37:09.14 2nd M40
12 Gladwell, Paul OW 37:44.99 3rd M40
13 Wilson, Justin OH 37:46.49 4th M40
14 O'Brien, Simon OC 37:48.93
15 Beath, Andrew OC 37:57.81
16 Graham, Campbell OH 39:05.93 5th M40
17 Graham, Mitchell OH 39:08.71 6th M40
18 Macdonald, Chris OH 39:16.05
19 McEniry, James OH 39:30.02
Nagle, Andrew IW 39:31.65
20 Jacobson, Stuart OH 39:33.27
21 McLean, Matthew OS 40:17.58
22 Carswell, Angela OX 41:22.34 Female
23 Stone, Prue OX 41:28.14 Female
24 Keeffe, Aaron OG 41:30.93
25 Prestney, Andrew OX 41:41.62
26 O'Neill, Nick SK 41:43.78
27 Lee, Douglas OH 41:48.62 1st M50
28 Pang, Peter OC 42:26.49
Carroll, Paul IN 43:04.46
29 Poulton, Matthew OC 43:08.78
30 Millard, Robyn OH 43:33.49 Female
31 Norwood, Andrew OC 44:06.81
32 Schofield, Greg OW 44:21.43 2nd M50
33 Bowman, Sarah OX 44:28.21 Female
34 Oehr, Tarquin OS 44:30.55 1st M60
35 Couper, Craig OH 45:05.49 3rd M50
36 White, Andrew OX 45:11.43
37 Bowden, Kuniko OW 45:32.11 Female 1st W40
38 Kamiya, Mutsumi OS 45:39.21 Female
39 Worsnop, Chris OX 45:39.58 4th M50
40 Oehr, Lucy OS 45:44.02 Female
41 Anderson, Mark OX 45:56.40
42 Cornwell, Chloe SK 46:04.58 Female 2nd W40
43 Carswell, James OX 46:13.43
44 Kopke, Gabrielle SK 46:37.43 Female
45 Dodgshun, Peter OS 47:02.90 5th M50
46 Holmes, Jon OS 47:05.43 6th M50
47 Freeman, Dennis OW 47:10.93
48 Petersen, Aaron OH 47:28.71
49 Somerville, Michael OX 47:37.93
50 Couper, Chris OH 47:49.18
51 Metherall, David OH 48:04.65 2nd M60
52 Leslie, Sarah OG 48:24.99 Female
53 Prestney, Belinda OX 48:40.84 Female
54 Hendy, Melissa OB 48:51.93 Female 3rd W40
55 Koike, Tamami OS 49:09.65 Female 1st W50
56 Macdonald, Julianne OH 49:12.34 Female 4th W40
57 Reid, Kylie OB 49:30.78 Female
58 Ettershank, Kate OC 49:52.11 Female
59 Aitken, Andrew OS 50:16.11
60 Reid, Kyle OB 50:22.93
61 Coster, Jeffrey OW 50:29.24 3rd M60
62 Carmona, Gabriel IB 50:37.24
Bott, Greg IN 50:58.93
63 Nickels, David OH 51:31.24
64 Rickards, Field OW 51:53.62 4th M60
65 Watson, Nigel OS 52:05.90 5th M60
66 Entwisle, Kari OC 52:27.30 Female
67 Holmes, Julia OS 52:28.30 Female
68 Facey, Stuart OS 53:17.46 6th M60
69 Roberts, Caroline OB 53:54.68 Female
70 Metherall, Tori OH 54:33.84 Female
71 Pettigrew, Stuart SK 55:04.37
72 Findlay, Colin OS 55:17.08
73 Barton, Paul OB 55:56.24
74 Voukelatos, Gerry OS 56:32.52
75 Morse, Karen OC 56:35.40 Female
76 Wilson, Rob OS 56:54.11
77 Correll, Tony OH 57:49.93
78 Simpson-Bull, Trevor OB 60:16.99
79 O'Callaghan, Eamon OX 60:43.93
80 Battrick, Pete OB 65:10.27
81 Meredith, Paul OB 105:00.01
Basso, Tracy IN 105:00.02 Female
Also participated:
Burke, Gerry OX
Harcourt, Richard OW
O'Shea, John OX
Wilson, Annika OS Female
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