Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


Here are the comments of several Namban participants:

Jay 1:19:38
I really enjoyed the Kanagawa Half. With over 10,000 participants, the event is certainly at capacity, but somehow I made it to the starting line in the nick of time and joined Martin for a smooth 19:15 first 5k. From there I picked it up – it felt good passing people and I went through the 10k in 38 flat. I was still feeling quite happy and comfortable all the way through 18k at which point some stiff wind made me very worried about breaking 1:20. But thanks to the cheers of Chad, Motozo and Gerard I managed to run the last 1k in 3:35 for a reasonably good time.
Jay's blog

Joachim 1:46:12
I ran together with Christiane nd could brake the wind for here. Great Chinese food after the race.

Geraldine 2.13

The good news: I wasn`t last! Enjoyed the flat course, great weather although a bit windy . Good to be running with Naman again and looking forward to Ome.

Chrstine 1:46:12

First,thanks to Joachim. He had hard to work to carry me over the course.
Second, I am very disappointed about my race. I fought a lot against the race,.
Third, women age groups are very unfair. There are only two age groups in womes races. Under and over 40..But there is a big difference between a woman aged 40 and aged 50+. Men race has had of course 4 age groups

Taek 1:52:57
Today, my target time is under 1 hour 52minute. It takes 3minute 47 secods until start point.
I ran slow running first 10k. It was very crowded and course is very narrow. After 10k I speeded up for my target time. I satisfied today's time.

Arne 1:37:58
For my half marathon I am quite satisfied. Unfortunately though I was not able to keep up with Chika`s pace in the end.

Chad 38:58
I did the 10km race. I was sick for 8 days the week before and lost 2kg, so I didn`t have much strength. Still managed to do a PB, but looking to do much better in my next 10km race. As Joachim gested, maybe next time I should drink 2 beers during the race.

Gerard 35.13 Enjoyed the race, Clear blustery conditions made for interesting race.

元三 .david 4 minutes flat 200 pushups (udetate)
boy was i tired. I was the unofficial cheerleader...rooting for the troops for over 2 hours. Despite my toil my legs felt amazingly genki after the half marathon. And i chaulked up aother race experience followed by a cult ual journey thru chinatown....

Meggu 1;45;02
i knew i was in trouble when my coughing would start with only 2 minute sprint to tullys before the morning ride to Yokahama....than i had to wait for 45 minutes to use the ladies room and barely made it in time for the gun top it off i had been suffering from influenza over the past month...needless to say, my expectations were conservative. Thus, i should be satisfied with my 1;45 but feel chotto mono tarenai....ijo desu. Motozo and Chad made parts of the course pleasant with their cheering though. Arigato ne.

Yuka 1:44:25
It is my worst result at Kanagawa race but better than other races in 2008. So it is OK.
I was going to maintain even pace at 24:00/k. I could manage until 10K but felt tired and heavy on my body.
Actually I have added more mileage since the end of last year and naturally eat more. But probably too much eating makes me fatter.
I should think the balance between running and eating! Next my race is Ohme 30k.

Views: 172


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