Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


2012年東京マラソン反省レポート 2012 Tokyo Marathon Reflection/Report日本語と英語



ジェラルド ロブ





2012 Tokyo Marathon Reflection/Report


I arrived on the Thursday evening before the marathon from Australia.  Comparing the seasons of Japan and Australia, they are opposite and I was looking forward to the cool, low humidity environment.

As expected the weather was so.

Since before Xmas I had been averaging 100km per week including weekly mountain training sessions.  So I felt quite prepared to have a decent marathon.

Marathon eve I was able to have a good preparation with a good carb dinner of Cha Han and plain white rice along with plenty of water and my preferred sports drink – Pocari Sweat, it’s harder to get in Australia and I like it better than Gatorade as it’s mineral balance is better and it is not as sweet.  A few bananas for dessert and the most important pre marathon meal was sorted.

The hotel I was staying in was conveniently located – walking distance from the Tochoe Mae start.

From the gun the first 2.5km was congested and as expected this was my slowest 5km split, but as the congestion cleared down Yasukuni-dori I was able to fall into a comfortable pace, I checked the garmin and according to it I was moving along at a touch under 4 min per km pace, this was comfortable, and according to plan so I just held stride and started to enjoy the scenery.  After all it is a great tour of Tokyo that you really can’t get on any other day of the year.

Along the course Nanban support was great!  Especially in the Shinagawa region where I got a great high five from Chiba san, the support gave a great boost.  Jay was also a super cheer man as I came across him 5km out from the finish – at this point his enthusiastic cheering aroused the wrath of some policemen/officials at they thought Jay was getting too close to the athletes –a la Tour de France cheering style – I thought it was great Jay!  ThanksJ

Reflecting on my run I was quite satisfied and really enjoyed the whole 42.195km.  Fairly well ran in line with the training I had been doing in a time of 2.46.26.

The post run Big Sight massage was great, along with the foot bath.

Nanban runners and Supporters – 2012 Tokyo Marathon

-         Otsukaresamadeshita!


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