Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


Changed this to a blog post. I am in Korea now, feeling better, so it must have something to do with Tokyo...

Hi all, I talked to some of you about this phenomenon, today I went to see a doctor, Yonezawa in Nakanosakaue, and he confirmed one of the explanations.
I ran very well in Korea in September, best was a 37:32 on a hilly course, so I expected to smash all my over 40pb's this winter.
However, when I got to Tokyo, and it got a bit colder, the cough after the Wed. night work-outs started again - I had had it previously. So my speed actually went down.
Today the doctor explained that it is environment-related, I'm not sick, it is the fatigue caused by the hard work-outs that effect my immune system, something like an allergy, but not one against any particular substance.
It seems many runners in Tokyo, especially at Oda-Field, have it. Among the Namban people, I may have run most in the downtown area, as Bob, a long time ago, made the wise decision to move to the cleaner neighborhood of Hana-Koganei.
Well, I had a look at houses in Shiki near Rikkyo University, and this definitely will hasten my decision to buy one there.
And fortunately, my next race will be in Seoul, one of the cleaner metropolis in Asia.
I'd be happy to hear what you guys think!

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Comment by juergen wittstock on November 18, 2007 at 4:19pm
Genau! Scheint eine Alergie zu sein. Heute lief's auch gut...blogge gleich.
Comment by Joachim on November 17, 2007 at 12:38am
Hi Jürgen,
das ist ja interessant, dass es in Korea gleich besser ist!
Hoffe, wenn Du zurück bist, kommt es nicht wieder.


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