Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


Mike Brown
  • Male
  • Newark, DE
  • United States
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  • Paul Mundt
  • juergen wittstock

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Newark, DE
About Me:
Runner in Delaware, will be in Japan for 3 weeks starting 5/16th and would like to run a race or two. Just finished the 2011 Boston Marathon in 3:27
Favorite runner:
Tara Reynolds
What's your favorite race?
Boston Marathon

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At 10:05am on May 22, 2011, juergen wittstock said…
Will run with Paul at 1pm (sharp, today, May 22.), call me if you want to join, or just be there. Will run counter-clockwise in the Park for about 15k - meeting place, needless to say, WIRED<>FIT!
At 9:26am on May 11, 2011, Owain Vaughan Lewes said…

Hi Mike,

Good to hear from you. Actually I live in Korea, but if you contact Juergen Wittstock he can fill you in on the Japanese running scene. 

Every Wednesday at 7 pm he conducts club workouts for all abilities at Oda field which is in Yoyogi Park in Shibuya, Tokyo. His club, Namban also meets up for regular long Sunday runs.

As for races it's not too difficult to enter if you have a contact over there. And Juergen is always happy to help foriegners do that . Just ask him to enter for you and you pay him the entry fee when you get there.

Regarding races over there consult with him about what distances you want to run and he'll make suitable recommendations.

The only downside is that in most cases you have to enter up to 8 weeks in advance because most of them are oversubscribed.

Hope I have been of help to you and good luck.


At 7:47am on May 11, 2011, juergen wittstock said…
hello, i think it will be difficult to find a race for you
as it is too soon. we are now applying for events in
october. but there are time trials. we practice on a track
on wed night, and run together on week-ends, so there
should be plenty of things to do.
At 2:49pm on May 10, 2011, Owain Vaughan Lewes said…

Hi Mike,

Welcome to the website. I hope you enjoy being a member. And if you would like any advice regarding your running please feel free to ask.


At 9:19am on May 10, 2011, juergen wittstock said…
Welcome to the site!
Thank you for joining this website, and I hope to see you at a training-run or a race soon. We try our best to assist foreign runners to navigate to difficulties of the Japanese running bureaucracy, and fortunately, have a lot of Japanese members who can help with that.
I'm looking forward to seeing your blog-posts and other running-related content on this website!
And a little hint: Pop out the chat-box when you are on the site, then it is much easier to see when somebody is talking to you.
Cheers, Juergen (website-creator)

P.S.: How about a nice profile-picture?

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