Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


Dear Runners in Tokyo,

In my spare time I am the statistician of the German ultramarathon federation (DUV) and operate a big database and web site which deals with ultra-marathon statistics (18000 races, 1.66 mio performances of 461,000 runners)

There we try to capture results of all ultra-marathon races world wide. We also include about 40-50 ultra marathon race from Japan per year, and have runner profiles of more than 35,000 japanese ultra runners. These profiles contain all races we have captured for a runner, and its name in Kanji and latin characters.

This web site is available in 7 languages (German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Chinese simplified). I think the japanese ultra-running community is one of the biggest in the world and I would like to lower the hurdles and offer my web site also with a Japanese translation. For this purpose I am looking for a native speaker (or expat with good japanese knowledge) who is willing to help with the translation of the site. The site consists of about 500 building blocks, i.e. small sentences, words and a few paragraphs, which need to be translated into Japanese.

The German, English, French or Chinese version of our site might serve as base for the translation.

Since we are a non-profit organisation I can not offer payment for this work but just a thankful listing on our credits page

Now I am looking forward to get in contact with some runners in Tokyo who might help with this.



Jürgen Schoch

Munich, Germany


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Hope somebody will pick up on this...


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