Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


Well the big race is getting closer and am now into my final hard 2 week block before commencing my taper that will leave me fresh and eager to run the best race that I can do on the day. However I won't blog about this week as I haven't blogged my last hard week. So here we go:

February 17th-23rd

Monday:AM 60 minutes at a good pace; 4:15-4:45 per km

            PM Strengthwork concentrating on posterial chain            

Tuesday:PM 60 minutes with 5x6minute efforts with 1 minute recoveries; speed average 3:35-3:50 per k pace

Wednesday: AM  90 minutes. Finished run with core work

Thursday: AM 60 minutes with 10x 30 second surges

               PM 60 minutes steady at 4:15-4:45 per km. Felt awful (dodgy lunch) 

Friday: Rest

Saturday: 1 hr 55 minutes incorporating 85 minutes paced ( Max heart rate 157 BPM )

                Ran about 25 kilometres (15:5 miles)

Sunday: 3 hrs

Total mileage: About 80 miles (130 Kilometres)

So there we are, I wanted a big mileage week before cutting back for one final block, which I have just statred and will blog about in a couple of weeks.

Many thanks for reading.      

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Comment by Owain Lewes on March 25, 2014 at 12:41pm

Thanks Juergen. I've worked hard for this!

Comment by juergen wittstock on March 25, 2014 at 11:39am

Gambatte, as the Japanese say!

Comment by Owain Lewes on March 25, 2014 at 9:19am

Thanks mate. I'l blog about my last hard phase this week.

Comment by juergen wittstock on March 24, 2014 at 8:57pm

Big miles, mate! Good Luck!

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