Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


06:35PM, Saturday, January 15, Palermo Park, Buenos Aires city, Argentina.

I use to run early morning but today I decided to change my daily routine.

A typical summer day in Buenos Aires (30 Centigrade Degree and heavy humidity). A lot of people in the park.

7minutes/km is my speed for today. Suddenly I feel that, behind me, somebody is fast approaching. When I turn my head, a runner pass me and runs away quickly. Nothing strange taking into consideration my turtle speed but very surprised to read “NAMBAN RENGO” in her black T-shirt.

I increased my speed trying to catch her and said “excuse me excuse me, did you come from Japan?” “No, from Frankfurt” she replied. She was running very fast and I couldn’t keep her speed. I felt that my lungs would burst and in a few seconds I found myself running 50 meters back. She quickly disappeared on the horizon while I felt very disappointed to lose the chance to talk with a Namban Rengo’s member.


Namban Rengo’s in Buenos Aires ?



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Comment by juergen wittstock on January 18, 2011 at 8:10am
Hello, September is during my vacation, but I'm usually in Germany. Is there anything during spring break - February/March?
Comment by Jon Holmes on January 18, 2011 at 6:47am

Thanks Ernesto.....we MUST get to your country in the not too distant future. Will give it some thought.

I am unfortunately still injured (as always!!) but am working on becoming genki desu (=well)..

What about you Juergen? (or do you want to avoid South America due to your old relationship with Karin? !)

Comment by Ernesto on January 18, 2011 at 1:09am

Thank you Juergen but she doesn’t know about this post.

Answering Jon’s questions, at moment I only can say the following:

1) I don’t know the relation between this mystery lady and Juergen. Next weekend I will go to Palermo park but unknown if she will appear again. Regarding your doubt (“an old flame of ...”) I will investigate this subject because “where there was flame, ashes remain”.

2) The best Half Marathon in Buenos Aires city is sponsored by Adidas Argentina and will be held in september (probably on 11st sept) but official announcement was not released yet. Surely other 21K will be held in Argentina between April and November, but the Half Marathon of Buenos Aires has an international level regarding organization. At least this is my opinion based on what I could see last year.

If you like to receive more information, let me know. Questions about races in Argentina please, not regarding the above point 1).

Comment by juergen wittstock on January 17, 2011 at 10:23pm
Ernesto, can you answer that question? A good half in you town? And BTW, do you all wan to meet in Eldoret, Kenya, in August 2012?
Comment by Jon Holmes on January 17, 2011 at 6:55pm

Can't recall her...BUT I am up for a trip to BA...well I will be when I become  uninjured (maybe in 2042???).

Is there a Half marathon that sound good there????

Comment by juergen wittstock on January 17, 2011 at 6:05pm
Comment by Jon Holmes on January 17, 2011 at 12:47pm
But who was this fast mystery women? A old flame of Juergen's perhaps????
Comment by juergen wittstock on January 17, 2011 at 10:09am
Great post, Ernesto, I hope you discussed it over breakfast, even if she was too fast for you to run with! Really looking forward to visit myself one day!

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