Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


Juergen wittstock's Comments

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At 11:08pm on August 30, 2015, ZHANG BUTIAN said…

Dear Juergen,

Thanks a lot! So, after application, I should transfer the register fee to this bank account?


八千代銀行 幡ヶ谷支店

普通預金 0577-051-0365361


Best regards,


At 3:33pm on July 25, 2014, Wuri Hapsari said…
Hello Juergen,
If the invite is still available I would like to join the Turtle Marathon. Is it possible if I bring one friend? Both of us would like to do 10K.
- Wuri Hapsari (36/F) and Lusy Handoko (38/F)
- Indonesian

At 8:44am on July 25, 2014, Hydi Peterson said…

Hello Juergen,

Thank you for the invitation.
Yes, I would love to run in the Turtle Marathon if there are still openings available. Half please but if that is not available 10K is fine too.
Heidi Peterson
Heidi Peterson
At 1:37pm on December 18, 2013, simon breen said…
Hey, thanks for the welcome. I live and run in Hanno. Where in Saitama are you based, and what trails do you run?
At 5:51pm on November 12, 2013, Tom Verbeke said…

Thanks Juergen, won`t make it this Sunday but keen to get some events under my belt here in Japan!!

At 2:52pm on July 25, 2013, Tim Murphy said…
Hi Juergen.

Any places left for the Turtle? If so, count me in!

Age: 26
Sex: male
Distance: half
At 10:39pm on July 3, 2013, RIck Larsen said…

Thank you. I am in the U.S. and was impressed with the site.

At 1:49pm on April 23, 2013, Adam Becker said…

Thanks Juergen! Great race, even with the rain. Looking forward to the next one!

At 4:35pm on April 22, 2013, Francis kimeli kemei said…

Hi  mr  juergen thank you for work you are doing

I wish you good luck for every thing you are doing.


At 5:07pm on April 13, 2013, philippe said…

thanks to include me in your group , i hope i can run with soon with all of you , see you soon 

At 5:27am on February 26, 2013, Kathleen Sirois said…

Thanks for the welcome and hopefully can meet up with the other runners, maybe when a bit warmer. I am so not a cold runner and especially at night. 5-6 am more my style.

Mentally will have to prepare. Off to the states for a few weeks and it should be nicer when I get back.

At 12:30pm on January 17, 2013, David Passarelli said…

Hi Jurgen, 

Thanks for the trailwalker link! I'll be in touch again in a couple of weeks, by which time I think you will be back in Japan (and we will be able to run more 'interesting' distances in the mountains). Safe travels!

At 10:35pm on December 28, 2012, Cory McGowan said…

Hi Juergen! Thanks! Not sure why I didn't find this earlier...

Yes, I'm still standing at work, and still trying to recommend it to as many people as possible!

At 10:48pm on October 15, 2012, Gage Crabtree said…
Hey Juergen,
I am very excited to experience a run in Tokyo. I have seen that there is a half marathon Sunday in Tokyo and I would like to compete in it. If you could supply me with some info on this race that would be great. Thank you
At 5:28pm on September 2, 2012, Tim Murphy said…
Thanks Juergen. The hill training sounds interesting. I'm Looking to do one or two races per month so I'll probably see you at an event soon.
At 9:07pm on May 26, 2012, Raduan Jemain said…

Hi Juergen, 

Thanks for accepting me in to the group.. I`ve just start running last year (January 2011) and hope to make some friends thru this community :)

I`m lso invited all of the community members to join any running event in Malaysia.. hope to see all of you there.. Thanks

At 4:56pm on March 10, 2012, Shin Okubo said…

Hi Juergen, 

Thanks for the message! I started running very recently (from last November) and I'm also very lazy. But I enjoy running and want to attend several races this year.

I hope to make some friends thru this community :)

At 11:10pm on February 28, 2012, Michael Sevilla said…

hi juergen!thanks for your warm welcome :) 

At 10:33am on February 24, 2012, Hiromi Kamiya said…

Hello!  I just joined Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races ! I got a message from Owen and being suggested to contact with you about Namban running club.

I would like to find friends!

I work near Kokyo (the Imperial Palace) on weekdays so it would be great if there are ppl who does Kokyo-running. If not, I can go running on weenends so it's ok.

Please give me more information about the Namban running club !(where, when to run etc..)

At 11:00am on February 20, 2012, Owain Vaughan Lewes said…

Yes I do. And a very beautiful part of the world, as well.


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