Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


Oxfam Trailwalker 2011 - 100km of mountain terrain.

We are doing it!

Joining as a Team
in the Oxfam Trailwalker 2011, a 100km walk-for-charity event,
Me, Bobji, Elsie and Kalim
are to walk the distance, a 100 kilometers, over mountains and hills.
+ we plan to do it within 28 hours!
+ we are raising money for charity!

Our goal is to raise 250, 000 JPY (that's approximately 3,000 USD / 2,000 GBP).
The money will go directly to Oxfam Japans concrete efforts to support:

- Emergency support and assistance to victims with difficulties in accessing emergency relief due to the M 9.0 Earthquake in east Japan on March 11th 2011
- Water and sanitation projects in Sudan
- Emergency response to 150,000 people in the conflict in D. R. Congo
- Humanitarian projects in
1 ■Cambodia
2 ■Laos
3 ■Philippines
4 ■India
5 ■Mozambique
6 ■South Africa

You can support us AND charity by donating via our page or to Oxfam Japan!

Views: 67


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Comment by juergen wittstock on April 25, 2011 at 9:46am
Thanks, Kanna, we will try our best to be near the top!
Comment by juergen wittstock on April 20, 2011 at 1:23pm
Thanks a lot, Gustav! Gambarimasho!

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