Running in Tokyo/Japan - Marathon/Clubs/Track Races


November 2008 Blog Posts (12)

Nike 10 K Challenge 2008 - 2008/11/23

I took the N969 at 0510 hrs to attend the race today. I was happy to meet MJ after leaving the bus, and nice to had breakfast with MJ too. Due to lack of slep and worry of my back pain, I did not push myself hard. I managed to complete the race in 51 mins. My running shorts was completely dry after the run indeed.

I was happy to meet so…

Added by Blurmax on November 25, 2008 at 11:36pm — 7 Comments

I made 2 PB , Nittaidai 5000m & Nagoya Half Marathon

I made 2 PB within this 3 days holiday. I thought they were so amazing!

On 22nd Saturday, I run 5000m of Nittaidai Time Trial.

My goal time was 17m04s41. It was 8 seconds faster than the previous PB.

On 23rd Sunday, I went to my university to take an examination.

After the examination, I moved to Nagoya.

On 24rd Monday, I run half marathon of Nagoya City Marathon.

My goal time was 1h16m57s. It was 68 seconds faster than the previous PB.

The half marathon… Continue

Added by Kiyo Yoshida on November 24, 2008 at 10:51pm — 2 Comments

Ohtawara Marathon/10k 小田原マラソン・10k

Unfortunately, our reporter was not able to secure the results of everybody, maybe due to after race (or after drinking) fatigue. Here the results of the people who were already up when he sent in his report!

Congratulations to all the members who ran PB's!

Christian is closing in on Namban's top-runners!

Ed Clease (エド) - 36.44

Christian Sommer (クリス) - 34.10pb

Gerald (ジェラルド) - 35.53

Hitomi (ひとみ)… Continue

Added by namban on November 24, 2008 at 11:00am — 6 Comments

Mara Yamauchi visits Oda Field!

Today Olympian Mara Yamauchi, who came in 3rd in Sunday's Tokyo International Women's Marathon in a PB of 2:25:03, visited Namban Rengo at Oda Field!

I felt really honored when she said that her running career in Japan started with Namban Rengo. For those who do not know, some Sunday in early 1998 (if I recall correctly) Siu-Fong Ma and myself ran a time-trial in Enoshima. Ma raced agains a young British lady named Emma. She lost the… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on November 19, 2008 at 11:30pm — 3 Comments


It's been a while since my last race (Honmonji 10K). I figured what better way to get back into it than to run my first official Half Marathon. Although the weather was wet beforehand, it was actually cool and comfortable during the race. I pulled in at 1:41:10, well under my target of 1:45:00. The first 10K was slow (49:57) but I was able to get it together on the back half (splits around 4:35). Happy: yes. Sore: もちろん。 I wonder how I would… Continue

Added by Pat Glynn on November 16, 2008 at 8:22pm — 11 Comments

Tokyo Marathon 2009

just got my email accepting my application for Tokyo marathon next year :-)

Added by Mike Cartwright on November 13, 2008 at 11:59pm — 3 Comments

New York City Marathon

I run New York City Marathon. Goal time was 2:58:23. This was may first time NYCM. I had enjoyed it.

I felt a bit tired before start. I though I had damage that I had 100km marathon and full marathon 3weeks ago. My condition was not perfect. But, I did own my best. I am very happy that I finished under 3 hours.

I thought New York City Marathon was very… Continue

Added by Kiyo Yoshida on November 10, 2008 at 11:58pm — 2 Comments

New Balance Gold Coast 15 Km Race - 08/11/9

Just completed the New Balance Gold Coast 15 Km Race ( 黄金海岸15K賽 ] in the windy but hot morning at Ting Kau in an OK time of 83 mins today. It's 8 days after my back pain returned intensively. I could hardly walk at the first day while my back pain returned. I became much better after received a massage by a Chinese practitioner on last friday.

I was happy to see so many runners friends today including Eric, CHIN, MikeC, Lesile, Kitty, Pauline and others from I was also… Continue

Added by Blurmax on November 9, 2008 at 10:01pm — 1 Comment

Shibuya Ekiden 2009

Here are the application forms and information for the Shibuya Ekiden 2009.

Date: 18/01

Deadline: 3/12/2008

Fee: 4000 per team

Distance: 2.9kx4

Shibueki4.jpgShibueki3.jpgShibueki2.jpg… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on November 9, 2008 at 5:30pm — No Comments



Added by Gerard Robb on November 6, 2008 at 4:17pm — 2 Comments

Odawara Houtoku 5/10k

This is just the best little semi-inaka race in the area!

All race-officials should be trained there!


Gerard - 34:48 Stuart - 37:29 Mutsumi - 46:00 Daniel - 56:09 Juergen - 18:29 (5k)

Not much to add to Daniel's praise, well, the soba-shop and the onsen were also great!

I was happy to run 18:29, considering I had not practiced for the 5k, and place 4th - just too bad I didn't have the 8 seconds to catch the… Continue

Added by juergen wittstock on November 3, 2008 at 3:00pm — 5 Comments

Odawara Houtoku 10K, Nov 2nd 2008

Sunday November 2nd, 2008. Sunny, no wind, great views of Fuji san.

Second race in Odawara and a great success. I had a PB at 10K, negative split and a PB for the 5K.

Five Namban runners (J., M., G., S. and Daniel S.) met at Odawara Houtoku 10k, a pleasant race with many views of Mt. Fuji, 90 minutes out of Shinjuku by Odakyu-Line train. We left in Shinjuku at 7:01 and arrived in Tomizu at 8:30. Reception was well organized and same day applications were gracefully… Continue

Added by Daniel on November 2, 2008 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

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